| - Grevin was a male Chagrian who lived during the Cold War and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. He was the Vice-Commandant of the InterStellar Regulators on Makeb in 3639 BBY. Grevin commanded the Regulators during the occupation of the Hutt Cartel's takeover of Makeb, and willingly sided with his new masters, believing they could offer far more to him and his men than the people of Makeb had. However, he was forced to contend with a Republic strike team, consisting of heroes of the ongoing war with the Sith Empire, as they came to the aid of Makeb's people. After the pro-Republic forces captured "the Ark", a massive spacecraft intended to take the Hutt leaders and their lackeys off Makeb before it exploded, Grevin sent his troops in efforts to reclaim it or to threaten the Avesta Plantation, the base of operations for the Republic and their allies on Makeb. Finally, after defeating an attempted droid assault on the Avesta estate, the Republic strike team boarded the Regulators' mobile command base, the Storm Carrier, and set its reactors to overload. Grevin offered large rewards to his men - one million credits for finding the strike force, and ten million for killing them - but to no avail; Grevin and his guards were killed in the reactor control room, and the Republic strike force escaped from the Storm Carrier as it crashed and exploded into a nearby mesa.