Jacko was the skipper of a boat which smuggled gold between Dubai and King Karat's private island.
Jacko is the pet monkey of Lloyd Mbuku.
Jacko è il Ladro che dirige la distilleria clandestina di Campo Nuovo. Dopo che lo avremo sconfitto (solo novizi) si unirà ai briganti di Quentin.
A Jacko is a living pumpkin practically "born" to be a politician. A Jacko is capable of multilingual speech (English, Leet, Legal-jargon, and Politically Correct). How these lovable pumpkins came to be is unknown, but they sure are good leaders.
Jacko – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to bandyta, nielegalnie wytwarzający bagienne ziele.
Jacko and Sean's job was to convince the fish people to go on strike, leaving the Atlanteans without any food. After the Doctor flooded the lower levels of Atlantis, Jacko and Sean fled to the surface, where they saw the TARDIS dematerialise. (TV: The Underwater Menace)