| - The six Seacons are undersea combat specialists. They all transform into mechanical beasts resembling (more or less) aquatic life forms from Earth. The six combine into the super warrior Piranacon (also spelled 'Piranhacon'). The team consists of:
* The cruel and calculating Snaptrap, their team leader. He transforms into a snapping turtle (sort of). Played by TransFan.
* The clumsy and insecure Nautilator, who transforms into a lobster-monster. Temped by Bzero for the TP.
* The vicious Overbite. He becomes a shark with extra limbs. Truly. Temped by Interrogator for the TP, now played by Shebakoby.
* The sneaky Seawing, a manta ray. With legs. Temped by Angel for the TP, now played by BZero.
* The unhygienic and polluting Skalor, a coelacanth with arms and legs.
* The sadistic and strong Tentakil, an upright walking squid. Walking with... yep, you've got it. Temped by SydneyGB for the TP. The Seacons have become independent pirates, flying a ship Snaptrap dubbed The Hatemaker. The pirate crew are as follows:
* Halfshell - Pirate Crew Chief
* Scylla - Pirate Scheme Soldier
* Coelagon - Pirate Advisor
* Terrormander - Pirate Torpedo Bomber
* Sea Phantom - Pirate Sneak Attacker They can combine to form God Neptune. Snaptrap also controls a horde of mindless robotic Seacon drones, based on the main Seacons' body types, and was once field commander of the Sharkticons as well.