| - Clayton "Clay" Danvers is a werewolf. He was turned as a child and lived alone in the woods in Louisiana until Jeremy Danvers rescued and adopted him as a son. He's a genius, with a high IQ (160) and a Ph.D. in anthropology. "Clay was one of those detestable people blessed with both genius-level intelligence and drop-dead-gorgeous looks. Blue eyes, dark blond curls, and a rugged face straight out of a magazine. Match that with a powerful body and you have a package that wouldn't go unnoticed in the middle of a Chippendales convention." (Stolen). He's also antisocial and instinct driven. He has a complicated relationship with Elena Michaels, but he's constantly wearing the gold wedding ring he bought her over twelve years ago. Husband of Elena Michaels and the father of two children by Elena, Katherine Danvers and Logan Danvers. Clayton met Elena at Toronto University, where he was a Professor, in Anthropology. Elena was studying to become a journalist. Clayton hid the fact that he was a werewolf from Elena. After dating for a few months, Clayton proposed to Elena and she accepted. When he took her back to his home to meet his adoptive father, Jeremy Danvers. Clayton bit Elena because he was afraid Jeremy was going to kill Elena which was indeed his initial intentions. In biting Elena, Clay was temporarily banished from the pack, which lasted about a year. This also caused a lot of tension between the two. However, this was eventually resolved after Clay asked Jeremy to plan a nice Christmas for Elena and she found out about the nice gesture. The two reconciled on-and-off for around a decade before Elena left for Toronto for a year. She returned to find Clay waiting, and the two have been inseparable since. In the TV series, things weren't so smooth. While in Toronto, Elena becomes engaged to Philip McAdams and upon returning, Clay behaves like an abusive ex-boyfriend complete with stalker tendencies. Things are very tense between them much of the conflict with the Mutts. Eventually, Elena's disdain transforms into attraction and eventually reconciliation. Clayton is the bodyguard of Pack Alpha, Jeremy Danvers. He was adopted by Jeremy after being discovered in the bayou outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana as a young child by Jeremy's father, Malcolm. He was saved by Jeremy, before the rest of the Pack came to the bayou, as they would've killed him. Having already changed into a werewolf at age 6, he has a very strong wolf mentality. His official date of birth is January 15th, 1962, though his true date of birth is unknown. He is very close to Nick Sorrentino, as they are childhood friends. And Nick would do just about anything (within Pack Laws) for Clay. In the written Otherworld Universe, Malcolm Danvers is not the werewolf that bit Clayton as a child. In the short story 'Savage', Clayton clearly indicates this the first time he comes in contact with Malcolm: "As he approached from upwind, I caught a whiff of scent. It was the smell that had reminded me of the old werewolf. But this obviously wasn’t the same man." Malcolm scents Clayton and follows him back to his den, accosting him the next morning. Clayton's sire is an old mutt of unknown origin in Louisiana. This was changed for the television series (Season 2 Ep 02) where Malcolm is made Clayton's sire,