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  • Next Tuesday/Transcript
  • NEXT TUESDAY Written by Damian Kindler Directed by Martin Wood EXT OVER OCEAN Magnus is struggling to pilot a helicopter over the ocean. Will is sitting behind her panicking. WILL Uh, Magnus...I think I'm going to throw up! HELEN This is ridiculous! Hold on, I've lost lateral control! [A tentacle breaks out of a container next to Will and Will yelps.] WILL Okay, this is really not going well! HELEN I know! No lift; I can't get any altitude! [The creature's tentacle continues thrashing about causing damage to the interior of the helicopter.] HELEN Bloody hell! Try hitting it with more sedation! WILL Yeah, I'm already doing that! What the hell is wrong with... [Will looks out window.] WILL Magnus...Magnus, pull up. HELEN I can't! WILL Pull up now! HELEN Dammit! [The helicop
  • Next Tuesday/Transcript
  • NEXT TUESDAY Written by Damian Kindler Directed by Martin Wood EXT OVER OCEAN Magnus is struggling to pilot a helicopter over the ocean. Will is sitting behind her panicking. WILL Uh, Magnus...I think I'm going to throw up! HELEN This is ridiculous! Hold on, I've lost lateral control! [A tentacle breaks out of a container next to Will and Will yelps.] WILL Okay, this is really not going well! HELEN I know! No lift; I can't get any altitude! [The creature's tentacle continues thrashing about causing damage to the interior of the helicopter.] HELEN Bloody hell! Try hitting it with more sedation! WILL Yeah, I'm already doing that! What the hell is wrong with... [Will looks out window.] WILL Magnus...Magnus, pull up. HELEN I can't! WILL Pull up now! HELEN Dammit! [The helicopter descends into an abandon oil rig.] HELEN Oh, this is going to be nasty. [The helicopter's blades contact wires and become entangled.] CREDITS INT SANCTUARY HALLWAY [Helen and Will are walking down the hallway.] WILL Just-just come on. Just say it with me once...Reykjavik. [Helen signs.] WILL I love that word. HELEN Yes, you've told me a dozen times. WILL But I'm talking vodka, good food, fresh-faced women with names like Goodmansdottir...stimulating conversation under intricate ice sculptures... [They enter Helen's office.] HELEN Will, I've already told you, you can't go to the conference. WILL[Sighing] Why? HELEN Some things have come up. WILL Things, what things? [Helen hits some keys on her computer causing a beacon to show on a map.] HELEN Well, for starters, our sensors have picked up a very rare abnormal in the Gulf of Mexico. WILL And? HELEN Mutated Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, a vampire squid; incredibly shy. I've only ever encountered one once before, sixty odd years ago in French Polynesia. WILL Okay, so a shy vampire; there's a first. HELEN Actually, the name is misleading. They're amazingly intelligent and very docile. It's believed that they're called vampire not because of a violent predilection, but more because of their superior intellect. WILL You know, this is fascinating, it really is, but-- HELEN The beacon is coming from an abandoned oil rig off the Louisiana coast. WILL Okay, so one of our retrieval teams will pick it up, bring it back, boom. HELEN They're all in mission mode right now. I'd rather not interrupt them for something as simple as this. We will charter a helicopter in New Orleans and fly out there. WILL Hey, take Kate. HELEN Kate can't dive; I need you. [WILL groans dramatically] WILL Okay, okay, so...I'll miss the opening reception, but I'll still be there to give my presentation. Fine, I'll go. HELEN Actually no, I need you here for the next few days. WILL Why? HELEN I have a meeting in Berlin with my UN Security Council liaison; very time sensitive. WILL Henry. HELEN He's in Tasmania surfing. WILL The big guy? HELEN Is with him. WILL Kate. HELEN Is not ready for an extended period of being in charge. WILL No, no, no, no, no, because I told you about this trip months ago, okay? I'm a guest speaker. They're giving me a nice hotel room. I'm touring Fjords. HELEN There's always next year. WILL Which is next year. HELEN I'm sorry, Will; this is not a request. TAHITI FIELD OIL RESERVE GULF OF MEXICO, SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM CURRENT STATUS : DECOMMISIONED INT PLATFORM [The helicopter has crashed depositing Will into the water and Helen unconscious sitting at the controls.] WILL Magnus! [Will swims toward the helicopter.] WILL Magnus! Magnus! [Helen slowly regains consciousness.] HELEN Will? Will! WILL Hey... [Will reaches skid pad of helicopter out of breath.] WILL Hey... HELEN You all right? WILL I don't know. My door kind of gave way when we, uh, you know, stopped. What about you? HELEN Well, you know, any landing you can swim away from... WILL What is it with you and flying, anyway? HELEN Two crashes in 158 years, that's not bad. WILL They only invented flying 110 years ago, so... [Helen opens to side door to look at her surroundings.] WILL Oh, great; we lost our air tanks and half our scuba gear. [Helen sees the container holding the creature floating in the water with the door opened.] HELEN And our friend as well. WILL You think it's still around here? [Will pulls himself up to stand on the skid pads.] HELEN I'm sure it's long gone. This bore well leads to open water. WILL Well, another rare abnormal stays rare. HELEN Damn it and we had him. EXT OCEAN [An hour before the crash; Helen and Will in scuba gear in the water as a winch pulls a container up onto the dock.] WILL I've never seen something so big fit into such a small container. HELEN Cephalopod, thankfully a very passive one at that. WILL This one doesn't seem too pleased that we captured it. HELEN It's much safer with us, believe me. These creatures are so passive; they're often killed by other species very early in their life cycle. WILL Yeah, well welcome to your new home...Squidly. HELEN We will not be calling it that. WILL Well, there are far more inappropriate nicknames I could give it. [Will looks at his watch.] HELEN I'm sure there are. WILL Good, there's still time. HELEN For what? WILL A redeye. New Orleans connecting through Halifax landing in the lovely city of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. [Helen looks away disappointed.] WILL Oh, come on, Magnus. I mean, I know Kate is not your first choice, but can't she just hold the fort down for a couple days? I mean, I'm not going to be gone that long. HELEN I'm sure she can, Will. WILL Ah, see, that's the Magnus I know and love. HELEN But the answer is still no. Prep it for flight, please. INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Helen is at the helicopter controls trying to use radio.] HELEN Mayday, mayday, mayday! [Will enters the helicopter.] HELEN The radio's broken or there's far too much concrete and steel in here for us to get a transmission out. WILL Meaning nobody can pick up the chopper's transponder signal, either. [The heavy wires holding the helicopter above the water creaks and groans. Will exits helicopter to stand on the grid and looks down at the water.] WILL How deep do you think this goes? HELEN Seventy feet, maybe more. WILL Without scuba gear... HELEN ...It's much too far for us to try to dive to the bottom. [Will opens a side hatch and looks in.] WILL Okay, here's what I think. Once we don't check in for a while, those lovely people we rented the chopper from will come looking for us, right? I mean, isn't that how it's supposed to work? HELEN And if they follow the bogus flight plan that I filed, they'll be looking for us two hundred miles west of here. [Will slams the hatch.] HELEN It's how we keep our work private, Will. [Will sighs.] WILL Okay, well, then, according to the mission plan, we're due back tomorrow night. Once we don't show up, Kate's got to get suspicious, she'll just probably... [Helen looks at Will sternly.] WILL Right, right, you're right. We're totally screwed. [The wires holding the helicopter start to fray.] [Helen sighs. She looks back at Will and then moves to the back of the helicopter.] HELEN I'm sorry about your trip to Greenland. WILL Iceland. It's...it's Iceland. HELEN I'm sorry your trip to Iceland was scuttled, but obviously we have a far more important problem on our hands. [Helen drops a bag onto the skid.] WILL Yeah, we always do. HELEN What's that supposed to mean? WILL What does it mean? It means whatever you want it to.. [The wire breaks through causing the helicopter to tilt and throws Will and Helen into the water.] WILL Whoa. HELEN It's all right; it just shifted position. WILL You think it'll hold? HELEN If the crash didn't bring it down, I doubt we can. WILL All I know is the deposit you gave the rental company's history. [Helen swims over to a case and using it for a float.] WILL You know, Magnus, maybe everything you heard about this creature is wrong. Maybe they're not as docile as you think. HELEN Nonsense, we captured it easily enough. It offered no resistance. [Will finds his own case for a float.] WILL Yeah, well, something freaked it out; flying, or the vibrations from the rotors, different altitude. HELEN No, its container was specially designed to mimic its preferred atmosphere. It should have been fine. WILL Well, how did it go from happy-go-lucky cephalopod to air-rage squid in a matter of a minute? HELEN I don't know. [Something swims below them in the water.] WILL You know, I should be learning Icelandic phrases right now and discussing psychoanalytic theory over cocktails. HELEN Yes, instead, you're stuck here with me. WILL You know what I mean. HELEN Actually, I do. This isn't about conferences or ice sculptures; it's about some immature tryst with a woman you barely know. WILL Excuse me? HELEN Dr. Halstrom or should I say Sigrid; your internet chat friend? WILL Internet chat friend? She happens to be the foremost authority on deviant psychology in Scandinavia, thank you very much. [Helen laughs.] HELEN Such an attractive element in a woman... WILL She has a PHD! HELEN Really, Will, it's about priorities. WILL My priorities? What is this, an employee training seminar? Why did you want me to stay, anyways, other than to ruin my fun? HELEN Do not pretend that this is some giant intellectual loss. This is about your libido. WILL Come on. If you think that this is all about me chasing... [A creature swims very close to Will.] HELEN Do not get self-righteous with me... WILL Whoa, hold on. HELEN What? WILL Something just swam past my leg. HELEN What? [They both look down in the water.] WILL Well, maybe that unhappy vampire squid that we have in here with us. HELEN Its miles away by now. WILL No, I'm telling you; something is in here with us. Something just swam past my leg, and it's slimy... [Will is pulled under the water. Helen takes a large breath and dives down after him.] INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Helen sees Will is wrapped up in the creatures tentacles. She swims back up to the surface and retrieves a knife from the bag she had previously dropped on the skid. Will is thrust out of the water and back down.] WILL Magnus!! [With knife in hand, Helen dives back down to a struggling Will. She slashes the knife across the creature's tentacles causing it to release Will. Grabbing Will's arm, she pulls him to the surface.] HELEN You all right? WILL Oh, I'm miles away from all right. You said it would break for open water. HELEN Well, it should have. WILL Then why is it still here? HELEN I don't know. WILL And why does it hate me so much? HELEN It might have marked this as its territory. [They both swim back to helicopter.] WILL Oh, that's wonderful news. HELEN I've never seen such aggressive behavior in this species. Come on; you might want to get out of the water. WILL Good idea. [Will climbs up on skid. Catching his breath he points to the creature.] WILL I'm going to fry you up, a little tartar sauce... [Will coughs and Helen pats his back.] WILL I think those tentacles gave me a rash. INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Helen is cutting a wire from the helicopter.] HELEN I've got an idea. WILL Why don't we just shoot it? HELEN I'd prefer not to. It's a very... WILL Rare species of abnormal, right. HELEN What we need to do is send it a clear message... [Helen disconnects another wire.] HELEN At least until we figure out why it's behaving this way. [Helen pulls longer wire from the helicopter.] WILL Whoa, incoming! [The creature swims under the helicopter. Will hurries over to other side of helicopter to watch it. The creature swims away as Helen briefly connects the two wires causing sparks. The creature returns and bumps the helicopter.] WILL It's really pissed now. HELEN Do not touch the water! [The creature breaches the water and swim directly at them.] WILL Okay, do it! HELEN Clear! [Helen throws the wires into the water. Receiving a shock the creature swims away. Helen cuts the power from the battery.] WILL You okay? HELEN Yeah. WILL Well, that seemed to have worked. HELEN For now, it'll be back, and the battery's pretty much dead. [Helen rolls up the wires and replaces them into the hatch. Will sits in helicopter doorway reflecting. Helen moves to stand next to him.] WILL Hey, uh...thanks for, uh... HELEN Of course. [Helen climbs into the helicopter and goes to the other side.] WILL So what now? HELEN Well, we can't send an SOS. Eventually someone will notice us missing and start a search. In the meantime, I want to know what turned this creature violent. [Helen is rummaging in the bag on the skid.] HELEN Come on, we should change; otherwise, we'll freeze to death. [Will exits the helicopter and Helen hands him a scuba suit. Will looks at Helen who nods as both are uncomfortable.] WILL I'll change somewhere else. [They change on opposite sides of the helicopter.] WILL Maybe, uh...maybe it's environmental. You know, something from the rig is poisoning its food supply. HELEN No, scans didn't indicate any sea water anomalies. WILL Okay, fine, then it's just a crazy giant squid. HELEN Honestly, Will, they are one of the most docile creatures in the entire ocean. WILL You got to stop using that word to describe it, 'cause it is not docile. HELEN It feeds on plankton, it lives in coral caves, it can create entire Mandelbrot mathematical patterns on the floor of the ocean. I have never known one to attack another life form. WILL Really? Well, what about bringing down a chopper 'cause this one did. FORTY MINUTES AGO [The helicopter is on the landing pad preparing to lift off. Will is closing a hatch. Helen finishes securing the container an climbs to the controls.] WILL Delegates from around the world are going to be there! Plus, there's an intense discussion group on amygdaline mutation! I think it would really benefit our work! HELEN Would you tie off the other side, please? WILL Yeah! Anyway, I think my being there would expand my knowledge of cutting-edge psychological theory! The cross-over in treating abnormals would be endless! [Will enters co-pilot's seat.] HELEN Uh, Will, could you sit in the back, please? Just in case it needs sedation! WILL Really? It...it seems fine. HELEN Better safe than sorry! Sea creatures rarely like flying! WILL All right. [Will moves to the back and Helen shuts her door and puts earphones on her head. She looks back at Will.] HELEN All set? WILL Let's go. [They lift off. Suddenly the creatures tentacle bursts from the container.] WILL Whoa! Hey! INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Will and Helen dive into the water and then turn to look at helicopter.] HELEN Fuselage is intact. What the hell made us crash? WILL I remember a loud noise and then the Squidapus went insane, so maybe it just really didn't like flying. HELEN Possibly, though why it's still upset is anyone's guess. [Helen swims to the front and the helicopter and looks it over.] HELEN Antenna's broken; means the radio is definitely out. WILL Hey...I should have come clean to you about Sigrid, I'm sorry. HELEN What you do in your own time is your own business, just so long as it doesn't affect our work. WILL Granted, but...what's wrong with taking a little time off? Things have been pretty hectic around here. HELEN What's your point, Will? [Will swims over next to Helen.] WILL Well, don't you ever want to take a break? HELEN Not really; stranded. WILL Well, we've got some flares. We could wait till night, fire them off. HELEN Flares only work if there's someone in the vicinity to see them. This rig is miles from the nearest shipping lanes. WILL Okay, well, you must have been stranded at sea before. HELEN Only once, April 14th, 1912. WILL Really? [Helen looks sorrowful and looks away from Will.] WILL I wonder how they serviced the drill apparatus when it was in here. I mean, do you see right up there, right up by the lights? I bet you those air vents double as maintenance portals. HELEN And the pattern continues down below. WILL Yeah, how far do you think down that is; thirty, forty feet? That's doable as a free dive, right? HELEN Yeah. WILL Okay, so, we take the transponder from the helicopter, we swim down to the portal, out to the surface, and signal for help; unless of course, the docile squid attacks us before then. [They both swim back to helicopter.] HELEN Well, if it attacks both of us, we don't stand a chance, but if one of us were to stay here... [Helen retrieves flippers and mask from bag.] WILL What, like as a distraction? HELEN It seems to hate you more. WILL Yeah, it really does, doesn't it? [Helen puts on the scuba gear as Will puts the transponder into a bag Helen is wearing on her back.] HELEN All right? WILL Hold on a second. [Will zips the bag closed.] WILL All right, you're good to go. HELEN All right, if I make it out... WILL Throw me down a sandwich and an Uzi. Hey...are you sure you're all right? HELEN Yeah. [Helen takes a deep breath and dives down. She swims to the portal and tries to pull the vent open with no success. She gets a knife strapped to her leg and tries to pry the vent open. Will watches her progress from above. The vent suddenly opens and turns on, suctioning her arm into the vent. She struggles to free herself.] INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Helen is unable to free herself. Will swims down to Helen and attempts to free her. Helen pushes him away and indicates for him to return to the surface. Will refuses and remains to try and free her. She passes out from lack of oxygen. The vent shuts down and Will is able to free her and pull her to the surface. Coughing Will turns Helen so she is facing the air.] WILL Come on. [Helen starts breathing and start coughing and gasping for air. Will pulls her to the helicopter and they both grab hold of the grid recovering.] WILL Okay, so when you say priorities...does that include drowning? HELEN Thank you. WILL Don't thank me, the system purged itself. You got lucky. [Still coughing Helen grabs hold of a wire holding the helicopter above the water. She looks up the wire all the way to the sky above.] HELEN Of course! [Helen takes the bag from her back.] WILL What? HELEN Why didn't I think of this earlier? If we can salvage enough wiring, we run an extension from the radio's internal antenna... [Helen swims to the front of the helicopter and the external antenna.] WILL ...Right to the wall. HELEN Yeah. WILL We can use the entire rig to boost the signal. But isn't the battery almost dead? HELEN We should be able to get one last transmission out. WILL All right, bring on the Hail Mary. [Helen gives Will an alarmed look perhaps remembering when she last heard him use that phrase in the vision the mystical Amazon creature gave her. Will sees the look she is giving him and misinterprets it.] WILL What, it's worth a shot. [Will swims away as she stares after him. The move to opposite sides of the helicopter and Helen takes off the scuba gear.] HELEN All right, start with the avionic wiring. We definitely don't need that anymore. WILL All right. HELEN Rip as much wire as you can; start splicing. [They both get to work.] WILL So you never go on vacation, huh? HELEN I travel all the time, you know that. WILL Yeah, on missions or for research; I'm talking about, you know, flopping down on a beach with a good book, a never-ending supply of mojitos. HELEN I own a villa in Italy, on Capri, near Naples. I go there every seven years. WILL Seven years? HELEN Yeah, for a long weekend. WILL Wow, I take it back. You really do know how to unwind. HELEN That's about as long as I can stand doing nothing. British, remember? WILL Wait a second. Let me get this straight; you own a villa in Italy, and you never told me about it? HELEN I own a lot of things you don't know about. WILL Really, what about a working helicopter? HELEN Yeah, several. WILL She's nice, you know...Sigrid. She's friendly and charming. She's chair of advanced psychology at Stockholm University. HELEN She sounds lovely. WILL You know, ever since Claira, things have been kind of... HELEN Lonely. WILL Yeah. HELEN Well, goes with the territory, I'm afraid. WILL Yeah, but doesn't it make us all more productive if we have, you know, normal, healthy relationships? HELEN You're not being serious, are you? WILL What am I talking about; nothing we do is normal. HELEN I don't think the bout of occasional loneliness is too high a price to pay for what we do; maybe you do. WILL You just should have told me about it when you recruited me. [Helen laughs.] HELEN But then you never would have taken the job. WILL Probably not. HELEN And you'd be miserable. So, what's your cover with Sigrid, greeting card salesman? WILL Fire insurance. [Helen laughs.] WILL Oh, god. HELEN All right, ready? WILL Hang on a second. [Will finishes with the wire and then goes and turns on the power to the battery. Helen picks up the earphones.] WILL You think this'll work? HELEN It should do. I've never been stranded for too long. WILL So, uh...the Titanic? HELEN I was fished out of the water by Molly Brown. She hauled me into her life raft. I was very lucky. [Helen turns on the radio.] HELEN Mayday, mayday, mayday! This is A-star 350 N-zero-X-one-seven-J; aircraft down. Requesting immediate assistance; we are at 27 degrees north by 89 degrees west. Two souls onboard. Mayday, mayday, mayday... [The power fizzles and dies.] WILL Oh, come on... [Will pounds on the panels.] WILL No, the battery's gone. HELEN You weren't kidding about the Hail Mary. WILL Do we have any food? HELEN Yeah, there's MREs in my gear bag. WILL Well, did you move it? HELEN It was right there. Maybe it got knocked into the water. WILL You don't think it took it, do you? HELEN What, the squid? After the shock we gave it, highly unlikely. Besides, it wouldn't be remotely interested in our emergency rations. [Helen exits the helicopter and moves toward the back of it.] WILL They're kind of a last resort for me too. [Helen notices a substance on the side of the helicopter and retrieves the knife and gets a closer look at it.] HELEN What is this? [Will comes over to look.] WILL Some kind of residue the squid left behind when it attacked? HELEN Adult vampire squid don't secrete anything remotely like this. WILL Well, then, what the hell... [Movement is heard coming from inside a compartment hatch.] HELEN [whispering] Quiet. [Helen taps on the side of the helicopter with the knife. Lots of movement is heard. Will has moved inside the helicopter. Helen climbs in with him and taps on the compartment from inside the helicopter. Tapping is heard coming from inside the compartment.] WILL Holy crap, don't tell me it's another squid. [Helen goes to the other door and moves to the back compartment.] HELEN Maybe one of its young; it explains why it gave us such a hard time when we tried to take off. Now, we have to be extremely careful not to hurt or frighten it. [Helen opens the compartment and a huge scorpion hisses at them. Helen and Will both jump off the skid into the water.] WILL Whoa! [They both surface and stare up at the scorpion.] WILL Okay, that is definitely not a baby vampire squid! INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [The scorpion continues to threaten them. Helen throws the knife she is still holding and hits the lever holding the compartment open. It closes on the scorpion. Helen pulls herself onto skid and secures the hatch.] HELEN Southern hemispheric sea scorpion very rare, extremely dangerous! WILL How the hell did it get inside the chopper? HELEN I knew I wasn't that bad a pilot. FLASHBACK TO HELICOPTER TAKING OFF [The helicopter lifts off and the scorpion is seen jumping onto the rear. The tentacle burst out the container.] WILL Hey, I think I'm going to throw up! HELEN This is ridiculous; hold on, I've lost lateral control! [Tentacle continues causing damage inside the helicopter.] WILL Okay, this is really not going well! BACK TO PRESENT [Will is in the water looking up at the tail section of the helicopter.] WILL Looks like it climbed onto the tail as we took off; crawled inside the exhaust louver. [Helen has swims over to have a look.] HELEN It must have got trapped in the engine compartment. That's why I lost flight control. WILL I thought vampire squid weren't aggressive, that other creatures killed them off? HELEN Yeah, ordinarily, they're the victim. It could be that the sea scorpion is the one species that triggers its fight response. Both these creatures must have claimed the rig as their territory. They'll fight to the death if we let them. [Will climbs back onto helicopter.] WILL So it's a turf war, wonderful. HELEN It must have sensed its adversary was nearby when we loaded it into the chopper. WILL But see, if the scorpion hates the squid so much, why doesn't it just jump into the water, and they can, you know, do battle? HELEN It's a bottom-dwelling arachnid amphibian. It can't swim; the squid can. WILL Ah, so it needs solid ground to settle the score. HELEN They're actually very well suited as enemies. The sea scorpion is also more intelligent than it looks. It's just that it's incredibly vicious. [Will looks around inside helicopter.] WILL It's the vicious part that I'm worried about, not so much the smart. [A latch to a bottom compartment rattles and Will looks at Helen with alarm. The latch turns and the scorpion attacks. Will backs up to the co-pilots seat dodging the scorpion's tail.] WILL Whoa! It unlocked the hatch? How did it know how to unlock the hatch? HELEN I told you it was intelligent! Hold on, Will, I'm coming! [Will grabs the harpoon and points it at the scorpion.] HELEN Will, you have to load the harpoon! [Will growls in frustration and thrusts the harpoon at the scorpion to get it to back off. The scorpion returns to the compartment.] WILL What is t about me that makes these things hate me so much? Where is it? HELEN It's gone to the other side, I can't see it! [Scorpion attacks Will from the open doorway. He dives to floor.] HELEN Will, it's coming 'round this side! [The scorpion moves to the other doorway on opposite side of helicopter and tries to strike Will with it's stinger.] WILL Magnus! [The Squid surfaces behind Magnus.] HELEN Hello, beastie. [The squid dives back down and swims to helicopter and attacks the squid. Will loads the harpoon and shoots at squid. The squid dives back into water and Will reloads. The scorpion rushes to door.] HELEN Will! [Will ducks as Helen throws a knife at the scorpion striking it. The scorpion hisses in pain as Will dives into the water. The scorpion rushes back to the hatch. Will climbs up on helicopter and reaches in to hold the hatch close as Helen wedges a piece of metal into the latch.] HELEN The other hatches are sealed; this should hold it for now. [Will gasps for breath and collapses wearily. Helen climbs in and sits back on hatch. Will sits next to her.] WILL I now officially hate seafood. HELEN We have to get these two creatures as far away from us as possible. WILL Agreed, but how? [They look at each other.] WILL AND HELEN TOGETHER We drop the chopper. WILL Okay, okay so...scorpion can't swim, the squid won't leave until it gets the scorpion. HELEN We cut the helicopter loose, squid will follow it down. WILL How are we going to do that? HELEN The acetylene torch from my diving kit; it should be able to cut through those wires.WILL Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. So we're going to use...a torch on top of a fuel-soaked chopper that has a sea scorpion trapped inside so the giant vampire squid will follow it down? HELEN Sounds like a plan. No beaches, no mojitos, no fancy villas. [Will stares at her disbelievingly.] INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [They get to work with Will on top of the helicopter cutting the wires from the blades with a torch. Helen is standing guard on the skid with the harpoon.] WILL These cables are really thick; it'll take me forever to get through. HELEN Just try weakening the major stress points. WILL Yeah. [Helen moves the doorway of the helicopter. The scorpion moves around and Helen pounds on the hatch. Helen returns to guarding.] WILL So the UN. HELEN Yeah, what about it? WILL Well, why does the liaison want to meet with you? HELEN Uh...he wants to talk to me about how I exposed Emma Correia as a mole in our network. WILL In person, you averted a major security breach couldn't you just do a teleconference? HELEN I don't mind; Munich's lovely this time of year. [Will lowers the torch thinking.] WILL You mean Berlin. HELEN Right, yes, of course, I mean Berlin. Berlin. WILL Because you said Munich... HELEN Yeah, both are in Germany, Will. WILL Yeah...but isn't Munich where...Olaf lives? HELEN Who? WILL You think I don't know about you and Olaf Von Ausburg? Super-rich guy, he owns the Bremen Soccer Club. HELEN I haven't seen him in decades. WILL Okay...you look me in the eye and tell me that you were going to meet the UN liaison and not Olaf. INT SANCTUARY HELEN'S OFFICE [Helen has flashback of video conference.] HELEN I appreciate the offer, Olaf, but it's not a good time right now. [Olaf chuckles indulgently.] OLAF It never is, Helen. HELEN Honestly, I don't know why you keep asking. OLAF Because even you need some time off once in a while, especially after everything you've been through. Please let me be there for you, hmm? You need this. INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM [Helen returns to present.] HELEN He offered me a weekend away; I was considering going. WILL I knew it! It was a romantic getaway, wasn't it? HELEN It's my prerogative how I spend my personal time. WILL Oh, but when I try to get away, I get the speech about priorities; double standard much? HELEN I've been doing this a lot longer than you have, Will. WILL Which I respect, but just don't give me a hard time when I try to take care of myself. HELEN Oh, please, with Sigrid? WILL Yeah. HELEN You can do much better than that. WILL Oh, and Olaf is some prize catch? The guy looks like a Maserati salesman. [Helen laughs] HELEN It doesn't matter anyway; I'm not going. WILL Why? [Helen won't look at Will.] WILL Magnus? HELEN Far too many things going on. WILL That clears the air. Well...I think you should have taken him up on his offer. [Both of them look up as a wire breaks free from the platform.] WILL Look out! HELEN Will, hold on! [Helen dives into the water and Will clings to the blades.] HELEN Will! Don't move! [Will looks up at the scorpion.] WILL I know. INT SONATECH RED DOG II GAS/PETROLEUM PRODUCTION PLATFORM HELEN Any sudden movement and it will strike! WILL Okay. HELEN Will, look out! [The squid grabs the scorpion.] HELEN Will get out of there! [Will removes the safety harass and dives into the water as the creatures battle. Helen swims over to Will.] WILL Ah, that's not good. HELEN As long as the copter is above water the squid can't win. We have to end this, and now! WILL Well, that thing ain't coming down any time soon, not without something stronger to cut those cables. HELEN Stay here. WILL Hey, where are you going? [Helen swims to helicopter and takes the emergency kit form helicopter. She returns to Will and takes out a flare from the kits.] HELEN How deep can you dive? WILL Light it up! [Helen lights the flare and throws it into the copter. They dive down into the water. Light from the explosion can be seen. They wait until the light disappears and surface. The helicopter sinks.] WILL Whoa! Wow! Wow! You just blew the whole thing! It's just...gone! [Small fires are still burning on top of the water.] WILL You're crazy, you know that? You're absolutely certifiably insane. HELEN That was pretty cool. WILL Cool, yeah, that was, like, James Bond, Die Hard cool. HELEN Better than room service in Reykjavik? WILL Yeah, way better. HELEN Never let it be said that I don't know how to show someone a good time. WILL Yeah, you got it, believe me. [Helen looks thoughtful. She expels a breath and glances at Will briefly.] HELEN Tuesday is Ashley's birthday. [Will turns to Helen.] HELEN That's the real reason I wanted you to stay. I just...I didn't know how to ask you. WILL Oh, Magnus, I...I guess it didn't help that I was desperately trying to get away to Iceland. [Will sighs heavily.] WILL It's hard, isn't it...to find someone worth a damn. HELEN You're kidding, right? I mean, there's plenty of fish in the sea. [Helen and Will laugh.] WILL No, no, no....no, no, no, you...you didn't just make that joke. You didn't just make that joke right here. HELEN You laughed. WILL No, I didn't. I-it was derisively, out of pity. HELEN Ah, a laugh's a laugh. WILL Yeah, no, I was just choking on helicopter fuel. You know...we sent up a pretty good flare just now. [They trend water recovering.] HELEN I think so. WILL You think anybody'll see it? HELEN I don't know, with my luck... WILL Seriously how are we going to get out of here? THE END
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