Dustox is instinctively drawn to light as it is a nocturnal Pokémon. Swarms of this Pokémon are attracted by the bright lights of cities, where they wreak havoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food which it searches for by using its antennae like radar. When Dustox flaps its wings, a fine dust is scattered all over. This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a pro wrestler sick.
Dustox es un Pokémon de tipo bicho/veneno introducido en la tercera generación. Evoluciona de Cascoon.
Dustox Categoria:Pokémon de color verd Categoria:Pokémon de tipus bestiola Categoria:Pokémon de tipus verí Categoria:Pokémon de grup ou bestiola Categoria:Pokémon de boscCategoria:Pokémon de tercera generació Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 13en:Dustox es:Dustox Dustox és un Pokémon de tipus bestiola/verí introduït en la tercera generació. Està basat en una arna. És l'evolució de Cascoon. Categoria:Esborranys
es:Dustoxnl:Dustox Dustox (Japanese: ドクケイル Dokukeiru) is a Bug/Poison-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
Dustox(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Bug-type / Poison Pokémon from the third generation games, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. It is the evolution of Cascoon and one of Wurmple's final evolutions.
Dustox (Japanese: ドクケイル Dokucale) is a dual-type Bug/Poison Pokémon. It evolves from Cascoon starting at level 10. It is one of Wurmple's final forms, the other being Beautifly.
It is a nocturnal Pokémon that flies from fields and mountains to the attraction of streetlights at night. It looses highly toxic powder from its wings.