| - Podcast is a 2015 American Science Fiction Drama film written by Joe Carnahan, Brian Bloom, Skip Woods and directed by Joe Carnahan starring Bruce Willis, Daniel M. Hasan, Billy Bob Thornton, Laurie Metcalf, Ornella Muti, Richard Schiff and Jane Kaczmarek It covers a story of loss, acceptance, abandonment, self search and clarity set against a use of time travel.
- W zasadzie nazwa podkast (z ang. podcast) odnosi się do cyklu audycji do pobrania przez Internet, lub do samego pliku dźwiękowego, najczęściej w formacie mp3 za pomocą programu wykorzystującego technologię subskrybcji RSS, umożliwiającego automatyczne pobranie audycji z serwera. W praktyce jednak, używa się tego terminu dla określenia każdej, cyklicznej audycji internetowej, bez względu na sposób w jaki została pobrana. Istnieje kilka portali ułatwiających znalezienie interesującego nas, polskiego podkastu. Podkasty można też znaleźć i zaprenumerować przy pomocy serwisów i programów takich jak iTunes, Juice, czy Mediafly. Sama czynność pobierania podkastu to, z angielskiego, podkeczing (podcatching), albo po prostu łapanie podkastów.
- A podcast is a
- The ShortCutters Podcast is your first stop if you're on your way to becoming the next award winning film maker. The ShortCutters team brings you the hottest new short films from all over the world as well as tips and tutorials on how to get your own films made from experts in their field. Add to that features from film festivals and other major events and you've got yourself a Podcast you can't afford to miss. The podcast is hosted on Podserve on the Big in Japan tools site.
- Ok. So, ummm.. welcome to this week's show. For those of you who have been counting, this is episode sixty-three. Actually, I guess that's more for the people who haven't been counting, because if you were counting you would already know that. heh. It's been soo long since our last show, about ... um ... seven days now ... I'm sorry it's been so long. I have a special surprise for you guys tonight.. I'm going to tell you all about my only social experience in the last five days.. I was buying eggs at the grocery store ... I know, I've probably got you guys all excited now. Um ... sooo ... that's coming up later in the show. But first we are going to talk about something that you may have been hearing a lot about recently, it's called podcasting.
- Every edition of the podcast features an interview with someone involved in the show, including cast actors, guests, writers, production members and often the creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. It's hosted by Alek Lev, who appeared in the episode Best Prom Ever as Todd Epstein (credited as Alek Friedman). It's recorded at 20th Century Fox Studios in Los Angeles, California. New podcasts are available the day after a new episode airing.
- Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Begriff "Podcast". Es gibt mehrere Themen, die den Begriff "Podcast" beschreiben:
* Podcasting
* Eigener Podcast
* Der H&F Podcast
- Podcast (real name unknown) is a wannabe supervillain. He and his partner Blinder are tasked by The Syndicate to rob the drugstore in Dunwich. They are met by Tennyo, Fey, and Generator.
- [1] The first podcast featuring machinima director DigitalPh33r and renowned Forge artist Predator5791.
- There are weekly episodes which are played on the radio of the fansite RuneZone. These episodes are later uploaded to Jagex' Podbean account. Questions may be submitted in designated threads which are stickied on the Future Game Updates forum.
- On his podcast, Cory Doctorow publishes interviews, readings of his books and general thoughts. Here we transcribe the episodes to make them searchable and readable, for those who prefer that. Subscribe to his podcast with this feed:
- Ein Podcast ist eine Serie aus Audiodateien welche in regelmäßigen oder unregelmäßigen Abständen veröffentlicht wird und über einen Webfeed aboniert werden kann. __TOC__
- A podcast is a series of digital-media files, which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers. The term podcast, like broadcast, can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated.
- 1. A vessel of truthiness, combining all the best features of Matt Drudge and audiobooks. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Podcast"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- The below rss feed is an aggregation created as a Yahoo pipe mashup from sources: feedburner.com feeds.feedburner.com podomatic.com libsyn.com autism.libsyn.com pedsforparents.libsyn.com asc.libsyn.com sweetspot.libsyn.com livingwellwithautism.podomatic.com VIEW CLICK this YAHOO PIPES link to view a web version of the rss feed, includes overview, links to show notes, images, links to mp3 files, etc. After clicking this link, you will see the Yahoo pipe "rendered", and the Image tab will be displayed by default. Click on the "LIST" link (tab), next to the IMAGES link.
- Un podcast es un archivo de audio digital (generalmente en formato mp3) al que puedes acceder en forma automática. El contenido puede ser de lo más diverso: programas de conversación, música, sonidos ambientales, discursos, comentarios especializados de los más diversos temas, novelas habladas, clases de idiomas y una infinidad de posibilidades. Generalmente los podcasts son gratuitos (los de Podcaster lo son) y de libre acceso. Cualquier persona, desde cualquier lugar el mundo, puede suscribirse o bajar contenido en audio a través de un podcast.
- A podcast is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet, often using syndication feeds, for playback on portable media players and personal computers. The term podcast, like "broadcast", can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster.
- The first Sarcastic Gamer Podcast episode was released on 28th June, 2007 and was hosted by Doc, Dave - whom Jeromy Adams met in May 2007 - and Drew, who left SarcasticGamer.com eventually. As the podcast was gaining popularity, more people joined the hosts; on 13th July 2007, along with the second podcast episode, Lono joined the staff. On 24th September, 2007, as the 9th episode was aired, Alex Shaw became a co-host. On 24th August 2007 Sarcastic Gamer joined the GamerCast Network, proving the quality of their podcast and allowing a wider audience to listen to it. During the 30 minute long show, the hosts discuss and argue about the recent video gaming news in an entertaining and friendly way. There have been 3 longer specials, including episodes 10, 20 (each 45-minute long) and 21 (60-m
- Description:In this episode, Mike and Isaac get to interview the legendary Steve Kenson. (… what was he legendary for again …) Ah yes, the legendary ENnie Award Winning ROLE PLAYING GAME DESIGNER, Steve Kenson, whose exploits range from 2nd and 3rd edition Shadowrun, to Aberrant, Champions, and various Green Ronin projects including the behemoth known as Mutants & Masterminds.
* Pulp Gamer » Inside Track 003: Rob Boyle:
- A podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. A podcast is a specific type of webcast which, like 'radio', can mean either the content itself or the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. The term "podcast" is a portmanteau of the name of Apple's portable music player, the iPod, and broadcast; a "pod" refers to the iPod, and "cast" to the idea of broadcasting.