Haifa (Hebrew: חֵיפָה Heifa; Arabic: حيفا Ḥayfā) was a city in the Earth nation-state of Israel. Tahel Mizrahi was raised Jewish in one of Haifa's Orthodox districts. (The Mysterious Case of Neelix's Lungs: "Setting the Curve") Technion was located in that city. (We, the Living Dead)
Haifa on kaupunki Israelissa. Luokka:Israelin kaupungit
Haifa is a city in Israel. Haifa was included on a map of the Middle East shown to US president Woodrow Wilson by British and French premiers David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference to mark their interests in the area.
Haifa (Hebrew: חֵיפָה File:Loudspeaker.svg Ḥeifa(help·info); Arabic: حَيْفَا File:Loudspeaker.svg Ḥayfā(help·info)) is the largest city in northern Israel, and the third-largest city in the country, with a population of over 264,900. Haifa has a mixed population of Jews and Arabs. The Arab population used to be predominantly Christian, while some of the Jewish population arrived from Russia. It is also home to the Bahá'í World Centre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.