| - To display a macro definition, place the cursor on the macro name and use the [d command. To display all the lines containing the variable name under the cursor, use the [I command. These commands work by literally searching for the text. So they work in most, but not all, cases. [I List lines in this file, and in included files, containing keyword under cursor. The meaning of included depends on settings, but defaults are set for C (with search of directories normally used for #include). [<c-i></c-i> Jump to first match (first line in file containing keyword). Ctrl-i is Tab, so, [<tab></tab> also jumps to the first match. ]<c-i></c-i> Jump to next match (first line after cursor containing keyword). This follows the / jumping patterns. Prepend the windowing operator (Ctrl-w) to open in a new window. gd Go to definition of local variable (first occurrence of keyword in current function). gD Go to definition of global variable (first occurrence of keyword in current file).