| - Xintrix is a Makuta and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He is one of the oldest Makuta in existence. During the Battle of Zev's HQ, he was part of the reinforcements called in by Blackout, and got to bombard Zev's HQ with shadow bolts and ride a Blade Dragon. Later, on Darkmount, he encountered the Fellowship of Kakamu, and scanned their minds. He then called in Le Chiffre to interrogate them. Motrokh then jumped towards him, but ran into a force field.
| - Xintrix is a Makuta and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He is one of the oldest Makuta in existence. During the Battle of Zev's HQ, he was part of the reinforcements called in by Blackout, and got to bombard Zev's HQ with shadow bolts and ride a Blade Dragon. Later, on Darkmount, he encountered the Fellowship of Kakamu, and scanned their minds. He then called in Le Chiffre to interrogate them. Motrokh then jumped towards him, but ran into a force field. Later, along with Krika, Vamprah, Chirox, Ferox, Grahmah and Mocax, he encountered the FoK again, and teleported them into a room full of mirrors. Much later, after the end of the Uterio War, Xintrix and Abeloth were chosen by The Visitor to help him track down the Baterra, Ultron, and HK-47, droids who were killing combatants of the War. They went to Malchior IV, and assumed Malchiorian forms to blend in. However, they were stopped by a guard, who asked them for their IDs. Xintrix ruined everything, and Abeloth then ruined everything further by shooting the guard with an extremely loud gun. Their inevitable death was delayed by the arrival of Zbigniew and his cat Amelia, giving the Visitor time to come up with an escape vehicle: a moon buggy. They drove towards RacKoon City, where a truck full of guards started chasing them. Fortunately, Abeloth fired a grenade at them, making the truck swerve into a ditch. Unfortunately, the grenade missed its intended target, and blew up the moon buggy instead. The three then watched the fight between the droids they were hunting and Nadle from a tower until Nadle was defeated and the droids were about to leave the planet. The Visitor then gave the order to attack, and then took on Ultron while Xintrix and Abeloth fought the Baterra and HK-47 respectively.