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- 1 Iridium raw = 3Cr.1 Iridium depleted = 8Cr.1 Iridium pure= 22Cr.1 Iridium good = 64Cr.1 Iridium refined = 180Cr
- Iridium is an element that was used to help stabilise the Tesseract.
- Iridium was a metallic element that came from a meteorite. Iridium was used to stabilize the portal generator that created the wormhole in the movie The Avengers.
- Iridium (also known as Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services) is
- In The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant she got promoted, but was immediately fired as she accepted a gift from the meat vendor, which is against the corporate policy. It is also the restaurant which Joey and Phoebe go to in Season 7's episode The One With All The Cheesecakes. The Iridium specials the day Joey and Phoebe go are prime rib, mahi-mahi and a very special lobster ravioli. Joey ordered the ravioli and Phoebe ran out the restaurant to date with David.
- Iridium är ett radioaktivt grundämne. Spår av elementet finns i en Sagan Institutet Låda. Under 1998, plockade Stargate Command upp spår av Iridium efter Cimmerianer Stargate uppringda Jorden för att få hjälp, efter Heru'ur erövrat Cimmeria. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot")
- Iridium (symbol Ir) is a chemical element, a transition metal with atomic number 77 on the periodic table.
- Iridium is a radioactive element. Traces of the element can be found inside a Sagan Institute Box. In 1998, Stargate Command picked up traces of Iridium after the Cimmerian Stargate dialed Earth for assistance, after Heru'ur conquered Cimmeria. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot")
- Un métal ultra-dense et extrêmement résistant à la chaleur et à la corrosion.
- Iridium has been released in the following 1/64 scale versions and it has also been named after one of the elements in the Periodic Table :
- Iridium is a rare element able to create anti-protons.
- Twin photon canon. Advancement on the Xenon canon and therefore the most cutting-edge and effective beam weapon. Combines long range and effectiveness that has never before been seen. But the extreme accumulation causes long loading times.
- Iridium was discovered in 1803 by Smithson Tennant in London, England, among insoluble impurities in natural platinum from South America. It has a number of specialized industrial and scientific applications. Iridium is employed when high corrosion resistance at high temperatures is needed, as crucibles for recrystallization of semiconductors at high temperatures, electrodes for the production of chlorine in the chloralkali process, and radioisotope thermoelectric generators used in unmanned spacecraft. Iridium compounds also find applications as catalysts for the production of acetic acid.
- IrIDIUM has short electric-green hair that usually covers where her eyes would be. She does not have real eyes, as she is a mechanical skeleton, they usually appear as dark holes through which retractable robotic mandibles are stored. She is sometimes seen with fake eyes, the right one yellow and the left a light blue-teal.
- Iridium is an element that could be used in the repair of starships. It has a very brief half-life. In 2262, the SS Beagle was in desperate need of iridium after suffering damage. Captain Merik decided to enter orbit of 892-IV and sent down a landing party to find some iridium ore. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses" )
- Iridium is an extremely rare chemical element that is very hard, brittle and silvery white. Iridium was discovered in 1803 . Smithson Tennant the primary discoverer, named the iridium for the goddess Iris, personification of the rainbow, because of the striking and diverse colors of its salts. Iridium is one of the rarest elements in the Earth's crust, with annual production and consumption of only three tonnes.
- Iridium ist ist ein chemisches Element mit dem Kürzel Ir und der Ordnungszahl 77. Es ist ein Metall der Platingruppe. Iridium wird beim Raumschiff-Bau verwendet. 2262 benötigt Captain R.M. Merik Iridium-Erz, um sein Raumschiff, die SS Beagle zu reparieren. (TOS: ) 2373 stellt der Doktor fest, dass Iridium-Ionen einen temporären dielektrischen Effekt in den äußeren Hautschichten erzeugen, was einen Teil der bioelektrischen Energie des Kraftfeldes der Nechani absorbiert. (VOY: )