| - Micronational Socialism has had a long and troubled history. Throughout the history of modern micronationalism there have been countless Socialist and Communist states, each one an individual with its own political systems and practices. Many of these nations have established themselves as Communist for the sake of associating themselves with an established socio-economic system alive in the public memory. These so-called “comic opera” Communist states have been little more than hollow shells, with little - if any - Marxist theory applied to their political, economic, cultural or social systems. There have been many other micronations that have been established by genuine practisoners of Marxist thought, many of them developing their own extensionist perspective on Marxism-Leninism tailored specifically to the micronational environment. Despite the best efforts of these States, many of them have failed to achieve long-term success and have inevitably dissolved as a result of inactivity, counter-revolution or the incapacitation of senior Socialist leaders. Regretful though the destruction of these States may be, their downfall is a key part in the Great Socialist Experiment within the confines of micronationalism. Our own branch of the micronational Great Socialist Experiment began in the Democratic People’s Republic of Bzan, founded by Comrade Gaffney and Comrade Rennie following a political rift within the Kingdom of Licentia. Bzan, like many Socialist micronations, was unable to effectively sustain itself for a long period of time and inevitably collapsed. Though their experiment was short lived, Rennie and Gaffney’s efforts to construct a micronational society had massive influences upon micronational Socialism in the nations linked to Bzan and Licentia. Their actions sparked the birth of a new Marxist-Leninist extensionist political ideology we have come to call Rennie-Gaffneyism, propelling micronational Socialism into the next stage of our Great Experiment. Rennie-Gaffneyism delicately blends micronationalism with Communism, striving to build the ideal Socialist and eventually Communist society in a way that mirrors the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg, yet retains its autonomy as an individual ideology. So influential were its theories that Michelle Yui and Karolina Wilson, Socialist sympathisers within the Kingdom of Licentia, were inspired to commence a great revolution within the Kingdom to bring Socialism to the People of that land. The resulting June Revolution lead to the foundation of the Socialist Republic of Licentia where the ideology of Rennie-Gaffneyism was further developed and refined by Comrade Yui and Comrade Wilson. Inevitably, due to the political split that had resulted from the Revolution, the Socialist Republic of Licentia also met and untimely end. Though half-hearted efforts were made to continue the Great Socialist Experiment micronationally, micronationalism was tragically devoid of Rennie-Gaffneyist movements for many months until the creation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Erusia. Now the time has come for us to further the Great Socialist Experiment and realise the original vision of the People’s Heroes: Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Mao, Ho, Kim and all other major Communist leaders of the world. By staying true to the principles of Rennie-Gaffneyism, it is possible for this Erusian National Communist Party to build a fundamentally - and eventually truly - Socialist society the likes of which neither the micro- nor macronational worlds have ever seen. This is not only our vision and task but our duty as micronational Socialists. It is of the utmost importance that, at this critical phase in the evolution of micronational society, we as a Party ensure the preservation of Socialism and the continual evolution of our society. The Party can only be successful in its revolutionary work if it learns to apply the theories of Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Rennie-Gaffneyism and Progressive Communism in a scientific manner. The Party must advance the revolutionary ideal of the People through scientific application, increasing social welfare, promoting sustainable socio-economic development within a Socialist framework, ensuring the power of the vanguard in national government and ultimately establishing an Open State. Scientific application of prevailing socio-economic theory is the only way to achieve the Open State and, subsequently, a Communist State. Not only is scientific application of the revolutionary ideologies of the Party essential, but it is also of paramount importance that the Party contain to develop a model of Socialism pertinent and relevant to the unique situation in the Erusian nation. We must continuously adapt and perfect our policies to ensure maximum effectiveness with minimal difficulty, and to do this it is essential that the Party learn to work with the People and the Workers in order to harmonise the revolutionary will of the People with the revolutionary strength of their vanguard.