| - Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka o Kinesa era una muejer Ewok que sirvió como Princesa de la Aldea del Árbol Brillante, hija del Jefe Chirpa y de [Ra-Lee], hermana mayor de Asha. Más tarde, se convirtió en la Jefa de la Aldea del Árbol Brillante y esposa de Wicket Wystri Warrick. En su juventud, era parte del mismo círculo de amigos que incluía a Wicket, Paploo, Teebo y Latara. Los jóvenes Ewoks tuvieron muchas aventuras en la luna boscosa de Endor, involucrando a criaturas como los gupins, yuzzums, duloks y Morag la bruja Tulgah.
- Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka was a female Ewok who served as Princess of Bright Tree Village, daughter of Chief Chirpa and Ra-Lee, and younger sister to Asha. Later, she became the Chieftainess of Bright Tree Village and wife of Wicket Wystri Warrick. In her youth, she was part of the same circle of friends that included Wicket, Paploo, Teebo, and Latara. The young Ewoks had many adventures on the forest moon of Endor, involving such creatures as Gupins, Yuzzums, Duloks, and Morag the Tulgah witch.