| - by Sirs; Even though I beleive that what happenned in Florida and Michigan is in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth prior to their holding of their primaries (probably outside instigated), I also believe that those people should have their say in our poltical decision to determine our future. However, I also do believe that if you violate the rules, you should be penalized. Therefore, I am proposing this resolution to the matter. WE, DEMOCRATS need to stop the maddnes that has run this nation for the last eight (8) years!!! Best regards; Cisco Queens, N.Y. .
| - by Sirs; Even though I beleive that what happenned in Florida and Michigan is in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth prior to their holding of their primaries (probably outside instigated), I also believe that those people should have their say in our poltical decision to determine our future. However, I also do believe that if you violate the rules, you should be penalized. Therefore, I am proposing this resolution to the matter. (A) That there be held a "SECONDARY" primary held in the afore-mentioned states on May 21, 2008 and/or May 28, 2008; and; (B) That, just like we "checkoff" on our Federal Tax returns, the residents of the states involved be allowed to "checkoff" on their state's tax returns, an amount equal to .25 to 1.00 on their income tax and/or other tax returns, once they would have demonstrated that said taxes have been paid. (C) In this manner, the voters who desire to vote in this IMPORTANT election process would have their say and the process would also demonstraate fairness in the process. (D) Finally, the rougue states should be put on notice that any future violation of the ACCEPTED RULES would result in even more SEVERE penalties!!!! I do not know if you would appreciate and accept my suggestions; but I do wish that there can be a quick and ammicable resolution to this situation. WE, DEMOCRATS need to stop the maddnes that has run this nation for the last eight (8) years!!! RESPECT, AS ALWAYS TO OUR VETERANS AND SOLDIERS!! HERE'S TO SEEING YOU HOME SOON!!! Best regards; Cisco Queens, N.Y. . __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki.