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- A cloud is a gaseous mass made up of water vapor. It is often believed that every cloud has a silver lining, meaning a good ending will occur, but not every cloud necessarily has one. The Land of the Clouds is a land of steam and vapour where giants and dragons roam. The land is believed to be made up of cumulus clouds, and the overhanging cliff of the Door into Mountain.
- Claude (クラウド, Kurōdo) ist ein Charakter, der nur im Anime und nicht im Manga auftaucht, daher wird er zu den Filler-Charakteren gezählt.
- Clouds are a feature that can be found in the skies of Middle-earth, along with the sun and moon. As in the vanilla game, they currently serve little purpose other than decoration. The Mod changes the display of clouds considerably. This feature is enabled by default, but can be configured and disabled via the config file.
- When Noah Tall and Twisty used their Sea Sucker in an attempt to kidnap the Krim family, who were in the Atlantic, having a tour with Aquaman, when Aquaman surfaced, he didn't see them, because they flew their aircraft behind a cloud. Silver iodide is used for seeding clouds with rain. Noah Tall's Cloud Busters were missiles capable of seeding clouds with silver iodide. On a beautiful summer day, the sun was shining and clouds drifted lazily by. It seemed that nothing could make this a bad day--until a spacecraft flies by a chicken farm with all it's noise pollution.
- Using internet, cloud computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. This can hold a large amount of data for an affordable price. Sources:
- Cloud is very spirited as well as very fast. He was purchased from Jon Thane, the miller, who would often race the horse against those belonging to merchants' guards. Rand had never known the horse to lose. Cloud was ridden out of Two Rivers, into Baerlon, out of Baerlon, into Shadar Logoth, and out of Shadar Logoth by Rand. After Rand rode Cloud out of Shadar Logoth, he, Thomdril Merrilin, and Matrim Cauthon escaped incoming Trollocs by boat, abandoning their horses, including Cloud.
- .WindBalls .WindBarriers
- A cloud is
- Cloud is a boss found in Breath of Fire.
- The Cloud is a massive, blood-red blanket of toxic smog, spewed over the dead city of the Sierra Madre by the air conditioning and climate control systems inside the Sierra Madre Casino.
- Cloud é um personagem da Série Kingdom Hearts, original de Final Fantasy. Ele é o personagem principal em Final Fantasy VII e um personagem de apoio em Série Kingdom Hearts. Cloud tem 22 anos de idade no início de Kingdom Hearts e Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories e 23 durante os eventos de Kingdom Hearts II. Cloud é também um dos cinco personagens que aparecem tanto como inimigo como membro do grupo, os outros são Riku, Peter Pan, Fera e Hércules
- Water in the Sky.
* Source of Rain.
* The Heortlings associate clouds with Heler, Orlanth and Yinkin.
* Pelorians associates them with Shafesora. Sources: Book of Heortling Mythology, Glorious ReAscent of Yelm
- The Clouds are a pair of magical beings which are found in extremely hot areas, particularly near lava. Because Clouds are intangible, they cannot be harmed by regular weapons. Only magic will dissipate them. Luckily, they have no attacks, and do not move very quickly.
- A Cloud is only seen or found in the Cloud Machine (POTM item). Clouds include The Magic W, and Wacky Zingoz.
- Lake Hali and Lake Demhe have both been described at times as being filled with cloud, or something like cloud, rather than water. It may be possible to descend through the cloud substance and reach the lake bed...
- The Cloud is a new item in the next Bloons Tower Defense game. It costs $5000 if placed in the Sky, and $10000 dollars if placed over land. In order to place towers in the sky, you must first place a cloud for them to stand on (these are strong clouds). If you place a tower on top of a cloud that is over land, it will do double damage to M.O.A.B.-class bloons, since it will be closer to them (but will still do its normal amount of damage to ground bloons). However, towers that are placed on clouds in the Sky will still do their normal amounts of damage to M.O.A.B.-class bloons.
- Cloud ist der Hauptcharakter in dem Spiel Final Fantasy VII. Er tritt bisher nur in SSB4 auf und steht Momentan auf Platz 2 der Tierlist.
- <default>Enemy name</default> Japanese name Alternate name(s) Elemental type Hit points Score Stage(s) Appearances Other Sprite Cloud is an enemy that appears in Bomberman Tournament. It jumps around slowly, passing over obstacles. It only lands in open intersections of the grid, and pauses after jumping to an adjacent intersection. While in the air, it cannot harm Bomberman, but it will cause collision damage while it is on the ground. When it is hit with an explosion, Cloud will split into two smaller Clouds. Their behavior is unchanged. Each smaller Cloud takes one hit to destroy.
- Cloud classifications are classified by shape, height, and altitude. The following system was created in 1802 by Luke Howard from the Askesian Society.
- Admiral Cloud served under Admiral Theseus on Starbase 55, taking on Theseus' delegated tasks in order for Theseus to focus on his work with Section 31. On occasion, Cloud took on Theseus' role of speaking and giving missions to the USS Phoenix-X. In order to keep Cloud in line, Theseus would, every now and then, have Cloud's memory altered to omit certain interactions with Section 31 or their business. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FCFBFF
- Common features of cloud neopets are sky-blue fur with cloud-like markings. Some Cloud pets are actually made of fluffy white clouds.
- A cloud is a visible mass of condensed droplets or frozen crystals floating in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body.
- Cloud is Daine's pony in the Immortals Series. She is very protective over Daine, and keeps her from joining with various groups of different animals and forgetting that she is in fact a two-legger, until Numair manages to seperate Daine's animal magic from her human essence. Cloud is the last living part of Daine's original family, and has traveled with Daine since thieves killed her mother, Sarra Beneksri, and grandfather, Benek. In Emperor Mage, Daine must leave Cloud in Tortall while she travels to Carthak. Cloud refers to Numair Salmalín as "storkman" because of his nose and long, skinny limbs. She is a very temperamental gray mare.
- Clouds were first discovered by Neil Armstrong in 1969, using Edwin P Hubble's newly invented macroscope (a lunar-based optical instrument which makes big things appear very, very small). It soon became apparent that Earth was suffering from a massive infection. Several other planets in the solar system were also found to be similarly infected by these gargantuan bacteria, evidence of a galactic-wide epidemic spread by casual sex and the consuming of uncooked red meat and banana skins.
- # Cloud as a dungeon feature is found only on the Wizard quest and on the Plane of Air. On the former, it simply obstructs vision. On the latter, when lightning strikes, heroes in cloud become paralyzed; free action is no defense against this effect.
- Mercenaire taciturne et grand combattant, Cloud est un jeune homme courageux et déterminé, mais prêt à tout pour retrouver son ennemi juré : Séphiroth.
- Cloud is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.
- These aren't the happy little clouds that you see in Mario games, but instead dark, angry ones that unleash lightning bolts of fury onto the player.
- Cloud is a divine horse that is part of the Water divines. He is the son of Rain and Geyser. Cloud can also breed with Dew to give birth to two unique foals: Wave and Brook. Cloud has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.
- A cloud is a visible mass of droplets or frozen crystals floating in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body. A cloud is also a visible mass attracted by gravity (clouds can also occur as masses of material in interstellar space, where they are called interstellar clouds and nebulae.) The branch of meteorology in which clouds are studied is nephology or cloud physics.
- A cloud, in terrestrial meteorology, is a visible mass of condensed droplets, frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of Earth. The branch of meteorology in which clouds are studied is nephology.
- When the droplets of water contained within a cloud became heavy enough to fall under gravity, causing a meteorological phenomenon called rain. Because they floated high above the general level of the ground, clouds were extremely cold inside. Because of that, some of the water vapor turned into ice crystals and ice pellets known as graupels, and fierce atmospheric winds would sometimes toss them around.
- A cloud could also refer informally to a concentration of matter drawn together by gravity. For example, nebulae were sometimes known as interstellar dust clouds. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome" ) A common consequence of water vapor clouds on planets is the meteorological phenomenon known as rain. Storms, lightning, and thunder are also associated with clouds. Fighter jets sometimes flew under the clouds. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" ) Clouds also appeared on other planets, for example, Angel I. (TNG: "Angel One" )
- Cloud is a visible mass of condensed droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth. He is fluffy and sentimental, and speaks in a throaty whisper. In Guy Smiley's "Here is Your Life" sketch on Sesame Street, Cloud pays tribute to Oak Tree, who had been watered by Cloud's rain. Oak Tree thanks Cloud and his partner the Sun, and Cloud chokes: "He remembered!" A reworked puppet later appeared in the "Here is Your Life" salute to the carton of eggs, raining on Corny the Corn (who fed the eggs' mother). He was performed this time by Kevin Clash.
- Clouds separate worlds. The bottom half of the clouds can be seen at the end of a world, and the top half can be seen at the bottom of the next world. Both sides of the clouds have pink arrows on them that when clicked, will take you to the other side of the clouds, thus switching worlds. Worlds were added at the same time as Fudge Islands to separate the map and to stop it from getting too long, as well as allowing easy access to levels as one can switch world on the side bar. Sometimes, when new worlds are added, some episodes may change pathway layouts.
- Cloud is the ninth (and last) world of Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D with 9 levels. After the game is beaten and eight Rare Orbs are collected from the game's secret temple levels, the Cloud Gateway (which replaces the first part of the Golden Temple in the Wii version, and is indeed called by this name before all the Rare Orbs are collected) can be used to enter this secret world. The second part of the Golden Temple, labeled "9-9 Golden Temple" is the only level in this world that was not added in the 3DS version of the game; in the original, Golden Temple was the ninth world in itself and was accessed directly from the Cloud Gateway, which was labeled as "9-1 Golden Temple". Except for Golden Temple, none of the levels in this world are actually set in the clouds. Instead, each level r