| - The hero of the series and the last of the Lombaxes.
* Action Hero
* Badass Adorable
* Berserk Button: NEVER mess with Veldin. Chairman Drek, and then Dr. Nefarious, learned this the hard way.
* Also: Insulting Clank is ill advised; do something to actually put him in jeopardy and you'll have an angry lombax stalking across the galaxy with the sole purpose of shooting you, blowing you up, turning you into a monkey, and then blowing you up again.
* Character Development: Yes, every lead character goes through it to an extent, but compare the Ratchet from the original game to the Ratchet from Tools of Destruction. It's a startling difference, and there's even more character growth between ToD and A Crack in Time.
* Cool Loser: You think having awesome piloting skill
| - The hero of the series and the last of the Lombaxes.
* Action Hero
* Badass Adorable
* Berserk Button: NEVER mess with Veldin. Chairman Drek, and then Dr. Nefarious, learned this the hard way.
* Also: Insulting Clank is ill advised; do something to actually put him in jeopardy and you'll have an angry lombax stalking across the galaxy with the sole purpose of shooting you, blowing you up, turning you into a monkey, and then blowing you up again.
* Character Development: Yes, every lead character goes through it to an extent, but compare the Ratchet from the original game to the Ratchet from Tools of Destruction. It's a startling difference, and there's even more character growth between ToD and A Crack in Time.
* Cool Loser: You think having awesome piloting skills, a huge arsenal of weapons, and saving several galaxies before breakfast makes you popular? Not Ratchet. Even after all his heroics, he's still seen as a sidekick to his buddy Clank or the glory-hog Captain Quark.
* Deadpan Snarker
* Dude, Where's My Respect?: Zig-zagged. Going Commando opens with a TV interview about his heroics in the previous game, while in the next game Up Your Arsenal, he's known for being Clank's chaffeur in the Secret Agent Clank holo-vids.
* Genre Savvy: Increasingly so, as evidenced by All 4 One.
* Green Eyes
* The Hero
* Heroic BSOD: When he thinks Talwyn is dead in the comics.
* Hero with Bad Publicity: For most of Deadlocked.
* Hyperspace Arsenal
* Improbable Weapon User: The Omniwrench
* And that's to say nothing of the belching fish, omnicidal droid, instant-monkey-just-add-mook, or literal "dance 'til you drop" weapons.
* Jerkass: Becomes this after Qwark's betrayal in the first game. He gets better.
* Last of His Kind
* Machine Empathy
* Mr. Fixit: Tinkering and engineering come naturally to Lombaxes
* The Musketeer: Whether it's gun play or melee, Ratchet is just as skilled wielding the latest arsenal from Gadgetron as he is swinging his trusted Omniwrench.
* One Lombax Army
* Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Clank's blue.