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- Preachers of the Empire of Light
* Their name is derived from the Nysaloran Riddles that they asked.
- Riddler is part of The Legion of Doom in "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One" when Lois Griffin exposes their plot to sell yellow-cake uranium to Adolf Hitler. However, he does not appear in the episode. When Peter Griffin is worried that Patrick Pewterschmidt may have committed another murder in "Killer Queen", he threatens to do to him when he did to the Riddler. A cutaway shows a Batman-style fight with colorful verbs describing the action. In "He's Bla-ack!", the guys discover Cleveland continues to use McDonalds cups from the 1980s, including one featuring the Riddler.
- The Riddler is a foe of Batman and Robin in Gotham City.
- Riddler ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Super Heroes und der Baureihe Batman. Die Minifigur ist 2006 (Batman) und 2012 (Super Heroes) erschien.
- Edward Nygma was a former computer software designer. After losing his job, he became the supervillain known as The Riddler.
- Edward Nigma(dawniej Nashton) znany jako Riddler - jeden z największych i najbardziej charakterystycznych wrogów Batmana mający obsesję na punkcie zagadek. Również mistrz hakerstwa oraz programista.
- The Riddler (Edward Nigma or Nygma, or Nashton) is a fictional character, a comic book character published by DC Comics and an enemy of Batman. Created by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang, the character first appeared in Detective Comics #140 (1948)
- The Riddler is heavily based on the Shelby Cobra. It's a convertible car and it has a compact size, it's more expensive than the Ariel MK Montana and may be more desirable due to its capacity and better durability. Jimmy Boca owns a Riddler, however Tony Montana chases after him with a Bacinari, but Jimmy later tries to leave Miami in a abandoned helicopter.
- The Riddler is a super-villain who uses riddles and puzzles to commit his crimes. He is a deranged genius who feels a psychological compulsion to demonstrate his intellectual superiority, and constructed elaborate crimes while delivering clues daring law enforcement to catch him.
- Riddler (bürgerlicher Name: Edward Nigma) ist ein Superschurke und ein Gegner von Batman in den DC-Comics.
- The Riddler was name-checked by Robin in an episode of The New Scooby-Doo Movies, but his only Hanna-Barbera appearances were as a member of the Legion of Doom on Challenge of the Superfriends, where he was voiced by Michael Bell.
- W okolicy Teksasu zamordowano chłopaka w młodym wieku, ok. 18 lat. Mamy świadka, który zeznał policji, że przeżył spotkanie z zabójcą. "Nazywam się Claudia. Mam 17 lat. To zdarzenie miało miejsce wczoraj. Poszłam na spacer z moim chłopakiem. Było bardzo przyjemnie. Była godzina 00:00, ale mnie to nie obchodziło. Było ciepło, księżyc świecił. Jednak czułam niepokój, jakby ktoś lub coś nas obserwowało. Nie zwracałam na to uwagi. Mój chłopak stanął przede mną, jakby chciał coś mi powiedzieć. Ale to, co się wydarzyło, zmieniło mi życie. Coś obcięło mu głowę. Za nim pojawiła się ciemna postać w kapturze. Zaczęłam krzyczeć i uciekać, ale on był szybszy i powalił mnie na ziemię. Powiedział słowa, niby normalne, ale było w nich coś nie tak. Brzmiały one: "Zagrajmy w grę." Po tym uderzył mnie w gło
- We also know that Edward is a puzzle expert, who created a costumed criminal identity for himself, the Riddler. After nearly dying following a failed attempt to kill Batman, he returns to Gotham City. While in Gotham, he spins his web of crime and mayhem. Batman eventually apprehends the Riddler at the Gotham Museum. Edward eventually breaks out of prison and tries to free himself of his compulsion to leave riddles as clues, with psychological conditioning. As the Riddler, he continues his crime spree. He is soon apprehended again by Batman.
- Riddler, conocido como el Acertijo (a veces Enigma en España), es un personaje ficticio y enemigo de Batman. Fue creado por Bill Finger y Dick Sprang, su primera aparición fue en Detective Comics N° 140 (1948). Conocido por su traje verde con un signo de interrogación, Riddler está obsesionado con puzzles y juegos de palabras. Le gusta cometer crímenes y confundir a la policía y a Batman dándoles complejos acertijos y construyendo siniestras manualidades, cartas, puzzles o terroríficas notas.
- Riddler was struck in the head by the Shining Knight and later awoke from a coma. Riddler then was cured of his insanity while retaining both his genius intellect and mammoth ego. Riddler became a private detective and started to help people. In Gotham Underground, Riddler investigated Penguin's connection with the events of Salvation Run and saved Dick Grayson while he was infiltrating a Gotham mob war. Riddler afterwards ended up deducing that Grayson is Nightwing. Riddler even helped Mandy Marvel defeat Clay Face in Countdown #42.
- Possibly the worst gimmick of all time. The Riddler's thing is... he rats himself out to the police. I know, right? He lives in Gotham City, and tries to defeat Batman... how? By telling Batman exactly where he's going to be committing a crime... and then committing a crime there. This invariably gets the crap kicked out of him, and dumps him right back in the asylum. Loser.