| - I Legkolo, (Ophis Congregatio in latino), cioè assemblee di vermi, sono i grado di unirsi per creare creature molto potenti (i Mgalekgolo, i Cacciatori) o unirsi per creare i nuclei di svariati macchinari, come nel caso degli Scarab. Usano la propria intelligenza per pilotare il veicolo. Ogni Legkolo è una creatura simile a un verme lunga circa 1,4 metri, con un proprio sistema nervoso centrale. È spettacolare come i Legkolo usino le loro minuscole ciglia per legarsi con gli altri, esse fungano da sinapsi. I Legkolo appaiono individualmente su Halo 3, quando si colpisce un Hunter nelle zone non protette: i Legkolo volano fuori dal corpo,ma spariscono dopo pochi secondi. Appaiono anche su Contatto su Harvest, per esplorare il Dreadnought.
- Lekgolo (Latin Ophis congregatio, meaning "assembly of snakes") are a species of small colonial worm-like creatures native to the planet Te. They can join together to form purpose specific assemblages, and are also able to integrate themselves with machinery and use their combined intelligence to pilot, or control, the vehicle or machinery.
- The Lekgolo are a species of colonial eel- or worm-like organisms which naturally join together to form purpose-specific assemblages, the most noteworthy of which are the Mgalekgolo, also known as the Covenant Hunters. Lacking vocal chords thanks to their unique physiology, they instead vibrate their bodies to make low rumbling speech that has been described as being "more felt than heard", indicating that it vibrates in infrasound. Their blood is orange-red and smells like burnt plastic.
- Los Lekgolo son una especie de pequeñas criaturas que crean colonias para formar Mgalekgolos. Los Lekgolos también son capaces de combinarse dentro de máquinas como el Scarab que aparece en Halo 3, usando la inteligencia Lekgolo para pilotearlo.
- A Lekgolo is a 140 centimeter long orange worm that eat shit. When they feel like it they may combine forces and form Voltron Hunters or Scarabs.
- Die Lekgolo sind wurmartige, hohe Lebewesen der Allianz.
- thumb|206px|Un Lekgolo Les Lekgolo appelés Chasseurs ou Hunters sont des ennemis impitoyables et dangereux qui sont déployés plus comme du matériel que des soldats . Ils sont utilisés pour les tâches de destruction et de défense lourde et se battent toujours par deux . Élevés par deux depuis leur naissance , il se crée un lien fraternel entre les membres du même binôme .
- The Lekgolo (Latin Ophis Congregatio, meaning "Assembly of snakes,") are a species of small colonial worm-like creatures that can join together to form purpose specific assemblages, such as Mgalekgolo, commonly referred to by humans as Hunters. Lekgolo are also able to integrate themselves into machinery such as the Scarab (the Halo 3 model) and use their combined intelligence to pilot, or control, the vehicle or machinery.