Belba (Baggins) Bolger: (TA 2856–2956) (1256-1356 Shire Reckoning) The wife of Rudigar Bolger and second child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb, she was Bilbo's aunt.
Belba (Baggins) Bolger: (TA 2856–2956) (1256-1356 Shire Reckoning) The wife of Rudigar Bolger and second child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb, she was Bilbo's aunt.
Belba (Baggins) Bolger: (TA 2856–2956) (1256-1356 Shire Reckoning) The wife of Rudigar Bolger and second child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb, she was Bilbo's aunt.