| - En negrita se incluyen los fragmentos del tema musical que fueron emitidos en la versión reducida presente en el anime.
- Life is an American magazine published in some form since 1883. In 1936 it was purchased by the owner of Time and has together jointly published a number of products including magazines, records and home video.
- "Life" is song featured on CupcakKe's debut album "Cum Cake"
- LIFE es la historia del acoso escolar (bullying) centrado en una alumna de un instituto en concreto. Sin embargo, Ayumu, la protagonista de este drama, no se rinde ante el acoso y pelea para defenderse. Ella consigue valor gracias a la ayuda de su amiga, Hatori, la cual le ayudó analizar la situación.
- Life is that mystical place that exists outside of the Internet. Sometimes, it has been known to kidnap residents of the Internet for lengthy periods of time, sucking them into its questionable and frighteningly foreign abyss. While people have been known to return from life, sometimes they are never instant messaged from again.
- life is a Review Moderator. He is a flash author; a musician, and a regular user. He is keen on gaming, with a lot of medals.
- Players can lose life in a variety of ways listed below.
- Life is what you need to remove from the opponent to win a match at the same time as keeping yours above theirs.
- Life (回生功 Kaiseikou?, "Resurrection Achievement") is a healing chi arte commonly used by martial artists, replacing the spell Resurrection.
- thumb Life fue una serie de televisión estadounidense rodada en Los Ángeles, California. Creada por Rand Ravich, quien figura también como productor ejecutivo junto a Far Shariat, David Semel y Daniel Sackheim para Universal Media Studios.
- The living principle
* Manifested as the Life Rune
* Revered by Venforn Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Revealed Mythologies
- LIFE是一首初於《太鼓の達人12》登場的日本流行音樂。
- On Elara, there are 8 things considered to be elements, the building blocks of reality. They work in pairs of opposites, to keep balance and order in the universe. There are 4 pairs. Life represents the inner being, the soul, that "thing" which makes a being or creature alive, and is paired with Light (which represents the outer being) to keep balance in the universe. The Life element is manipulated by magic users in magic, using Essence to do so. Life can be used on its own, or combined with other elements to varying degrees for different results.
- An element that can bring things to life.
- Life is a multi-faceted concept with no simple definition; this article is confined to the primary meanings in biology; articles on life in other senses are included in the article life (disambiguation).
- In this special Sbemail, Strong Bad joins a newspaper company, but has to leave his old friends.
- This is the "there's more to college than studying" section.
* Living in Berkeley
* Jobs
* Volunteer
* Safety
* Other
- Life is a Legendary Element, like Time.
- Life is a comedy 2012 film, starring
- Life is a cosmic force.
- Life is a song by Fastball...
- Life is the opposing force to death.
- Life is the twentieth episode of Garo.
- As Life is a legendary power, it cannot be combined with any element or other legendary power.
- Life(ライフ)は、2007年製作の日本映画。PFF出身の佐々木紳監督作品。主演・音楽は俳優・モデルなどでも活躍する綾野剛。本編1時間33分。
- Statistics on every day living.
- The McFly family owned a Life board game in 1985.
- Xirinet is Life given free will.
- Life (до 18 апреля 2016 года — LifeNews) — российское информационное интернет-издание и телеканал. Программная сетка телеканала: 24-ти часовой эфир, состоящий из новостных блоков. В ночное время телеканал показывает дайджесты. Данный канал в немалой степени является аналогом телеканала "Sky News".
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Life]] līf, from Proto-Germanic *līƀom, from Proto-Indo-European *lībʰ-. Cognate with Dutch lijf (“‘body’”), German Leib (“‘body’”), Swedish liv (“‘waist, life’”).
- "Life" is a heartwarming, uplifting rant by fucking Sun Man, with some cheesy inspiring music behind it. It appears on Moon Man's TrouserSnake EP, for some reason.
- "Life" is the ninth episode of the first season of Stargate Universe
- In Creatures 2, a creature's lifespan and growth speed were defined by how much of the chemical 'Life' they had in them when they were born, and how quickly it decayed. This was possibly a bad idea, as such chemical equations as: 1 Life + 1 Oxygen -> 2 Life + (nothing) could be created, thus allowing an immortal and eternally young norn. See also ageing.
- It's probably just another scheme by the government. Or, if you'd prefer a better explanation, life is biospheres, cells, molecules, and all that. But, really, it's just another scheme by the government.
- Life is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
- "Life" is YUI's third single. The title track is used as fifth ending theme song for the Bleach anime. It is featured from Episode 53 through 63.
- Life jest trzecim singlem YUI. Tytułowy utwór został wykorzystany jako piąty ending anime Bleach w odcinkach 53 - 63.
- LIFE - Bündnis __TOC__ Die LIga gegen Finstere Einflüsse - oder Liga gegen Finsternis - ist das weltweite Lichtbündnis der Lichtreiche, die sich gegen die Dunkle Union (DU) in Stellung bringen. Gegenüber der DU also steht die ebenfalls myraweit operierende "LIFE", auf Karcanon vom chnumtreuen Reich Muscae unter König Hanury Dangard I. gegründet und auf verschiedenen Segmenten als "Liga gegen Finsternis" (LiFe Karcanon), "Liga gegen Finstere Einflüsse" (LiFE Ysatinga und LIFE CORIGANI) oder auch "Liga zum Schutze des Lebens und der Reste des Lichts" (LIFE Karnicon) aktiv.
- Life is a Legendary Element. The only object able to control life was the Kanohi Ignika, the Legendary Mask of Life.
- Life is the amount of time an orgasm organism has to live, often ranging from 2 days to 22 kilometers. Scientists say that that's wrong and that's impossible but no one cares.
- Lives in Kid Chameleon, as in any other platformer, represent chances to complete the current level. Each player starts with 3 lives and 3 continues. You can earn new lives by collecting ankhs.
- Life is one of the elements of Infinitas. It is governed by Luck.
- Life is a brand of cereal. There has been a LEGO Promotion for Life Cereal. It had a mail-in card that allowed buyers to get a LEGO Elephant or a LEGO DUPLO Bird to build.
- Life (ライフ Raifu) is the zone to put the cards that represent a player "life" in the game. At the start of the game, each player starts with 4 cards in his or her Life. Life can be lost or reduced by damage dealt from attacks directed on empty Player Square or from a card's effect. Additionally, when a player decked out, he or she lose a Life after rebuilding the deck. A player loses if his or her Life is reduced to zero at any point during the game.
- Dans le programme holographique de Dixon Hill, le vendeur de journaux disposait de plusieurs exemplaires du magazine Life. En 2364, lorsque le Capitaine Jean-Luc Picard, le Lieutenant Commander Data et l'historien Whalen ont utilisé ce programme, le stand présentait l'édition du 10 février 1941, avec en couverture Lord Halifax, le nouvel ambassadeur britannique aux Etats-Unis. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")
- One day you are born and another day you start high school then you're an adult then you're old and die
- "The Game of Life... You will learn about life when you play the Game of Life." A board game with 3-D sculptures on it. Had a spinner in the middle. Played this game a lot as a kid without really understanding much of it. Art Linkletter's picture was on the cover ("I heartily endorse this game") but it was years before I knew who he was.
- Read more: <a href="http://www.answers.com/topic/eyewitness-life#ixzz2b6WOVVTj.">http://www.answers.com/topic/eyewitness-life#ixzz2b6WOVVTj.</a> The episode is season 3, episode 5.this has just been released on DVD.
- The difficulty level is defined at birth, determined by many circumstances (i.e. how much money was available to your carers/in-game parents/guardians, were they abusive, what are your talents, etc.) This difficulty level will remain with you for the entire game until you get a job to earn your own money, which may increase or decrease the difficulty depending on where you work, what you do, as well as many other factors. The game features strange content, such as the ability to have a time limit (i.e. a past, present, and future).
- Life (also often called Health, or Hit Points) represents the maximum amount of damage that a character or monster can withstand. Taking damage causes Life points to decrease (when all forms of protection are bypassed). When Life reaches 0, the character (or monster) dies. Maximum Life is affected by some item properties and by Vitality. Replenishing lost Life is generally referred to as healing. Mana and other resources are often seen as opposite of Life.
- Life (きつけやく, Kitsukeyaku?, lit. "Waking Medicine") or LifePL are recovering items found in Breath of Fire and Breath of Fire II.
- Very odd. So odd no-one knows why it exists. I do. But I can't tell, it's a secret. Okay- It's something to do with Hammers. Aaaah... Hammers.... They are Oddopedia's logo! Taa Daaa! the first article!
- Life ist ein US - amerikanischer Biografie über den amerikanischer Schauspieler James Dean der am 30. September 1955 verstorben ist. Life 250pxLife Regie Anton Corbijn Drehbuch Luke Davies Produktion Iain Canning Emile Sherman Christina Piovesan Benito Mueller Wolfgang Müller (III) Schnitt Nick Fenton Kamera Charlotte Bruus Christensen Musik Owen Pallett Produktionsland USA , Großbritannien , Kanada , Deutschland , Australien Sprache Englisch Erscheinungsjahr 2015 Kinostart DE 24. September 2015 Länge 111 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK: 0 Deine Bewertung: Durchschnittsbewertung: Abgegebene Stimmen: Benutzer-Kritiken Wikia-Kritik Kategorie:FilmKategorie:2015 Film
- Life is the best symbol to build a deck around if you want a deck that revolves around life gain and protection.
- Full: Create a level 1...11 spirit. When this spirit dies, all non-spirit allies within its range are healed for 1...6 Health for each second this spirit was alive. This spirit dies after 20 seconds. Concise: Creates a level 1...11 spirit (20 second lifespan). Affects non-spirit allies within range. End effect: heals for 1...6 for each second this spirit was alive. __TOC__
- A Nazi Agent following Indiana Jones in 1936 pretended to read an issue of Life magazine while instead monitoring Jones aboard the Pan Am Clipper as they departed from San Francisco. Later that year, Edith Dunne bragged to Jones that the magazine would be on hand, amongst other media interest, for the arrival home of herself and the last ikon where a wing of a museum was set to be dedicated to them.
- Das Life ist ein Magazin auf der Erde im 20. Jahrhundert. Der Zeitungsverkäufer im Holoprogramm über Dixon Hill verkauft Ausgaben des Life. Als Captain Picard, Data und Lieutenant Commander Whalen das Programm abrufen, ist es erhältlich. (TNG: )
- This is a measure of your monster's health. When it falls to 0, you will lose the battle.
- Life, in its most generic definition, is a quality of matter. Matter that is 'alive' forms organisms of vast variety. Properties common to the known organisms found on Earth (plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria) are that they are carbon-and-water-based, are cellular with complex organization, undergo metabolism, possess a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce and, through natural selection, adapt in succeeding generations. Ceratopsian crest as acoustic amplifier can be found in published work: Anton, J.A. Dinosaurs Incognito. 2009. VDM Verlag. Germany. pp. 192.
- Life (also known as Health) is the meter in the top-left corner of the screen. Players can find Life power-ups by smashing objects and enemies. All minifigures start out with a Life meter of 4. As they progress, they can increase their maximum Life through one of several methods: When Life runs out, the player is immediately smashed. Luckily, there are ways to avoid the Life meter from being depleted. Life will be depleted in the following ways:
- The File:Icon Life.png is one of the six Magical Realms in Master of Magic. This realm focuses primarily on improving a wizard's assets - both units and cities - making them stronger and/or repairing damage done to them. The Life Realm is associated with the color white, and the concepts of devotion, strength, protection, and healing. It is marked with the File:Icon Life.png symbol, both in-game and on this wiki. The familiar associated with the Life Realm is the dove that appears at the top of this page.
- Life is meant to be lived with purpose, but how do you live with purpose when you are unaware of what that purpose may be? How were you created and who created you? Does the big bang theory make sense? Purpose is something we all crave for and want to find. So many people go through life aimlessly not knowing where they are going, trapped in a mindless maze of mundaness and boredom. They wake up, go to work or school, come home, eat dinner, and fall asleep with their head filled with thoughts of worry and doubt. How does time slip by us so fast? Is there true meaning behind all this madness? Well, I have good news. There is, and it is found in God and His love for you. His sacrificial love is beyond your wildest dreams and if you could just grasp that love you would find your purpose. Livi
- Life is a terminal sexually transmitted disease, orignating either from God or your mom. This STD is, however, inflicted on the offspring of the intercourse, rather than on the participants. Offspring, themselves, are also STD's, leading to the unique situation of STDs that have STDs. The main symptoms of this disease consist of having to deal with temper tantrums, going to work, settling down, mental exasperation, and in most females, a large cyst in their stomach that lasts nine months.
- Apparently life is the opposite of death, mostly because you are living instead of laying there on the ground, motionless. Apparently you experience 2 cycles, day and night instead of lying there seeing only pitch darkness. I don't know much about this life thing, being a voice of the guide (aka a robot) instead of an actual human being. But I think that you eat food and meet other people in this thing called life. Additional, you also get to take up a job, have children, get rich, do anything you want in this life. This is what life is according to "The Game of Life" manual I found in a conveniently placed box containing a board game and some pieces. So I know life only by reading the manual of a board game, don't you think that I, Barry Scott would want a life? No, mostly because I remai
- Life is an American TV show created by Rand Ravich. The series airs on NBC and is produced by Universal Media Studios under the supervision of executive producers Rand Ravich, Far Shariat, David Semel, and Daniel Sackheim. Semel also directed the pilot. On October 24, 2008, NBC announced that Life would move to Wednesdays following Knight Rider, and leading into Law and Order. On November 7, 2008, NBC picked up Life for a full season.
- Life (also known as Health) is a stat in Bakugan Dimensions. Life is measured depending, on how much G-Power a Bakugan in battle has. For example: a level 499 Helix Dragonoid, would have 1646 life compared to a level 726 Dharak with 2043 life. The Life limit for a Bakugan starting at 400 G is 1747. Mechtanium Surge Bakugan have more life.
- This all started when my friend, Clair, and I wanted to create a game. A realistic game, like a simulation, except you can do whatever, and I mean whatever. With no mods allowed either. But that was four years ago when we were ten. Eventually Clair and I separated from each other’s lives. I’m fourteen now, and we actually made the game in about a year, with the help of my father. He put everything that we wanted in it, but we never sold it. We just kept the game to ourselves and never showed anyone. It was really fun at first, and then it got boring. “Talk to her again.”
- Life Grain es el nombre por defecto del protagonista en el juego Harvest Moon: Innocent Life. Es un androide, nombre modelo "Innocent Life", creado por el Dr. Hope. El Doctor Hope Grain presenta Life como un miembro de su familia traído a la isla para hacer agricultura manual. Muchos de los habitantes de la isla creen que él es humano y muy pocos saben de su verdadera identidad. Su nombre modelo "Innocent Life" es una manifestación de las esperanzas y sueños del Doctor. El Doctor quería crear una forma de vida inocente y pura, algo que pudiera amar a la gente y no odiarla.
- There is no avoiding the Life Element. It is the Element that ensures Skylands maintans its natural balance. From the tiniest seed to the tallest tree, from the smallest grub to the largest land whale, Skylands teems with Life. The Skylanders who harness the Life element are at one with the plants. The trees and the very soil itself. This grants them incredible abilities to use in the fight against Kaos and his minions. It also means that some of them are jolly good at gardening.
- Life is a multiplier on the number of hit points your character has, aside from a starting 15 hit points all characters have. See the HP page for further details on the formula. 100 Life is the standard value for most races. Liches have 80 Life and Fairies have 40 Life. This means that, without adding to their life scores, fairies will have less than half the HP of other races. The minimum of 15 HP exists specifically to help keep races like fairies and metals from dying from their low Life scores too easily. A Golem has 150 Life, adding up to 3.75 times as much HP over the starting 15 HP, even before you consider the bonuses to Constitution they have.
- Lives are only present in the original Drawn to Life game. They take on the appearance of The Hero's head, floating in the air with sparkles around them. They can be found scattered throughout the various levels in the game. They can also be received in large quantities by throwing certain amounts of Rapo-Coins into the Wishing Well. __NOINDEX__
- If you were to ask me my opinion, I welcome both with open arms. I figure, death is imminent if you're alive so what's the point in fearing it or craving it? That's right, there IS none. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. I'm writing this little bit of advice for everyone out there sane enough to listen to it. I am the harbinger of life and death. I'm always waiting, watching. When your time comes, I'll be there to make it all better for you. Don't worry I won't hurt you, just let me help. So for now, have fun with your 'life' because when it's over, it's truly over.
- Life is the hallmark that tell apart men, wights, and worts from other things. Life brings us the skill for growth, begetting, work, and ongoing oldening before death. But what happens in life? Many things can happen in life. One can also learn about many things, such as about deer, weather or speech. The ytheed of folk are lovely in many unlike ways. Maybe you like reird just for its own sake. Or maybe it is for a deeper inthing. It is best to start learning another land's speech when one is young. One might say one would learn French as another tung, if one should live in Canada. Still, it is never too late to learn a new speech. But what is to happen when one grows older? This now is when you truly take forth indeed. You can learn much about speechlore, or what ever you choose!
- The Life total shows how much damage figure(s) on the Army Card can take before being destroyed. Only Unique and Uncommon Heros have more than 1 Life total.
* Life 1 (Total of 5 heroes)
* Deathwalker 9000
* Deathwalker 8000
* Deathwalker 7000
* Otonashi
* Isamu
* Life 2 (Total of 4 heroes)
* Warden 816
* Kyntela Gwyn
* Guilty McCreech
* Zetacron
* Life 3 (Total of 13 heroes)
* Theracus
* Shiori
* Tornak
* Khosumet the Darklord
* Me-Burq-Sa
* Deadeye Dan
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion
* Arkmer
* Kumiko
* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider
* Iron Golem
* Sonya Esenwein
* Brunak
* Life 4 (Total of 27 heroes)
* Thorgrim the Viking Champion
* Finn the Viking Champion
* Syvarris
- Life (inochi) is a song from the Musical Hunter × Hunter. It was originally sung by Yuu Daiki as Madam Isabel and Kanako Mitsuhashi as Mitsuko. |-| Kanji= |-| English= Hey With our hands connected... Let's go back. The continuation of the forest's story. Secretly, I'll tell you. Hey, What will happen to the child of the forest? She will sing an angel's song. She's not lonely anymore. Wrapped in softness... Memories of the hourglass... Hidden secretly in the pocket... I'll treasure it... Even though I'm alone... I will never forget mother's life... Wrapped in softness... Memories of the hourglass... Hidden in the cradle... I'll protect you. Hidden in my pocket. I'll treasure it... No matter how much time passes... Your life will be glow warmly... Even though I'm alon
- The life of a futurist. Life is valuable, life is important, I like life, it's always full of surprise, soft or hard, sweet or not. The project of this writing is projected toward how I see life. I thought about my life many times. People in general is making my life easier than I can do for my own life, myself. People are gentle with me and I like them. I love music, it stimulate my thoughts, my feelings, looking at a good movie is also good. One of my job is to promote life in general, why? Because I almost lost my life, my psychiatrist also said that people want to live and I believe him. I change my ideas often. Life is cool. Maybe when you don't live, you love to live and you want to. There is some magic in happiness, when you are happy it's fun. Life is extraordinary, you get telepor
- Lives are used to measure how many times a player can die before they are ejected from the game, though in one player modes, they can Continue at the cost of some Coins and half their Points. They are measured by symbols directly above the player's Damage Percent. Lives can be set to anything from 1 to 99 in vs. matches and from 1 to 5 in Classic and Adventure modes. All-Star must be played with only one life. The player, in Classic or All-Star mode, is given point bonuses depending on whether or not all of their lives remained intact by the end of the last round. The player is also given one life to complete a Target Smash!!, but this may be because in Classic mode, the player's lives from the previous rounds are still displayed, despite the fact that losing will not deduct a life from th
- Life is a characteristic distinguishing physical entities having biological processes (such as signaling and self-sustaining processes) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate. Various forms of life exist such as plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria. The criteria can at times be ambiguous and may or may not define viruses, viroids or potential artificial life as living. Biology is the primary science concerned with the study of life, although many other sciences are involved.