| - It is a game made by Blizzard Entertainment
- Warcraft: Gra Planszowa jest planszową wersją gry komputerowej Warcraft III, w której gracze próbują zniszczyć wszystkich swoich przeciwników. W grze do wyboru są rasy: 1.
* Nieumarli 2.
* Orkowie 3.
* Ludzie 4.
* Nocne Elfy
- 220px|rightWarcraft es una marca comercial de Blizzard Entertainment que ha sido ampliamente difundida y diversificada a partir del videojuego Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994), uno de los primeros en su género. Por extensión también implica a la marca World of Warcraft, que nace del videojuego de rol multijugador masivo en línea -por sus siglas en inglés, MMORPG- del mismo nombre.
- Warcraft is a real-time strategy game made by a little-known company called Blizzard Entertainment. That's right, it was basically Starcraft without the multiplayer. Or balance. Or ability to play as Orcs if I remember correctly. Hell, nobody played it as much as Warcraft II anyway. From these noble beginnings, the Warcraft series would go on to spawn the second biggest license to print money in the history of the gaming industry, continuity be damned.
- Warcraft is a gaming series created by Blizzard Entertainment. See the Warcraft universe article at File:WoWWiki.png WoWWiki.
- Warcraft (engl. Kriegshandwerk) ist eine Computerspielserie, die von Blizzard Entertainment seit 1994 entwickelt wurde. Ursprünglich handelt es sich um eine Serie von Strategiespielen mit teilweise implementierten Rollenspielelementen, allerdings ist der neueste Ableger der Serie, World of Warcraft ein MMORPG.
- Warcraft is a failure of a computer game series which is full-on addictive and has sucked hardcore gamefreaks into being death knights for way too long, since 1994. The series had six very crappy games.
- thumb|320px De Warcraft (ook bekend als Warcraft franchise of History of Warcraft) is de spelwereld, de geschiedenis en overlevering gecreëerd door Blizzard Entertainment, te beginnen met de rudimentaire titel Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Deze pagina bevat informatie over de officiële bronnen van de Warcraft Lore. Categorie:Product Categorie:Lore Categorie:Sources Categorie:Blizzard Entertainment
- Warcraft is a franchise of video games, novels, and other media originally created by Blizzard Entertainment in 1994.
- In terms of visual style, Warcraft is on the opposite end of the artistic spectrum from Diablo.
- Warcraft (engl. „Kriegshandwerk“) ist eine Computerspielserie, die von Blizzard Entertainment seit 1994 entwickelt wird. Ursprünglich handelt es sich um eine Serie von Strategiespielen mit leichten Rollenspielelementen, allerdings ist der bekannteste Ableger der Serie das Online-Rollenspiel (World of Warcraft). Der jüngste Ableger, Hearthstone, ist ein Sammelkartenspiel. Mit Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos wurden die Rollenspielelemente erweitert, bis mit World of Warcraft das erste kommerziell dauerhaft erfolgreiche MMORPG veröffentlicht wurde.
- Warcraft (engl. „Kriegshandwerk“) ist eine Computerspielserie, die von Blizzard Entertainment seit 1994 entwickelt wird. Ursprünglich handelt es sich um eine Serie von Strategiespielen mit teilweise implementierten Rollenspielelementen, allerdings ist der neueste Ableger der Serie ein MMORPG.
- Warcraft , also known as "Warcraft: The Beginning" in the UK, is a 2016 American epic fantasy film directed by Duncan Jones, written by Chris Metzen, and starring Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Daniel Wu, Ruth Negga, Anna Galvin, and Clancy Brown.
- Warcraft is a franchise of video games, novels, and other media originally created by Blizzard Entertainment. The series is made up of five core games: Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, World of Warcraft, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. The first three of these core games are in the real-time strategy genre, where opposing players command virtual armies in battle against each other or a computer-controlled enemy. The fourth and best selling title of the franchise is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), where players control their own character and interact with each other in a virtual world. The most recent title is Hearthstone, a digital collectible card game.
- Warcraft è un titolo creato dalla Blizzard Entertainment nel 1994, che consteva in un gioco strategico dall'ambientazione fantasy. Inizialmente, la saga si componeva di tre capitoli principali e due espansioni: Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (1994); Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (1995); Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (1996) - espansione di Warcraft II; e, infine, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002) e Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003) - espansione di Warcraft III. A un anno dall'uscita del terzo capito della fortunata saga, la Blizzard pubblica World of Warcraft (2004), che si differenzia sostanzialmente dai suoi predecessori in quanto assume la forma del MMORPG (Massive(ly) Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). In altre parole, la Blizzard dava la possibilità ai tanti appassionati d
- Warcraft (англ. Военное ремесло) — медиафраншиза со своим сеттингом, изначально предназначенным для компьютерных игр. После выхода трёх успешных игр сеттинг получил своё развитие в настольных играх, коллекционной карточной игре, книгах, комиксах, разнообразной маркетинговой продукции. На ежеквартальной основе выходит журнал «World of Warcraft: The Magazine». Как и многие другие популярные вымышленные вселенные, вселенная Warcraft обогащается за счет неофициального любительского творчества.
- Warcraft: Orcs & Humans er et strategispill (sanntidsstrategispill) utviklet av selskapet Blizzard Entertainment, utgitt til PC og Mac i 1994. Spillets formål er å bygge opp en by eller base, fullt utstyrt med blant annet forsvarsverk og produksjonsanlegg for ulike typer soldater. Målet er deretter å eliminere motstandernes soldater og rasere deres bygninger. I Orcs & Humans kunne man opprinnelig velge mellom to forskjellige raser, nemlig orcs og humans. Senere, i oppfølgerne Warcraft II og Warcraft III, har det kommet to nye raser; undead (vandøde) og nightelves (nattalver).
- Blizzard Entertainment's famous Real Time Strategy trilogy (yes, the franchise did exist before World of Warcraft). Warcraft: Orcs and Humans tells the story of the kingdom of Azeroth, which is attacked by a Horde of green-skinned marauders that are hell-bent on exterminating the human population. The player is either a valiant human lord who beats back the orcs and gets crowned the monarch of Azeroth after King Llane dies, or an orc general who crushes the noble capital of Stormwind and betrays his warchief, becoming the new leader of the orcs.
- Warcraft er en spil-serie lavet af Blizzard Entertainment. Serien begyndte med Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, hvor det kun var to hære og to racer, nemlig Orkerne og menneskene. Derefter kom Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, der stadig kun havde to sider, men denne gang havde Orkerne allieret sig med Ogrerne, Skov troldene og Goblins. Menneskene havde Gnomer, Dværge og Elvere med sig. Herefter fulgte seriens første udvidelsespakke; Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. Så kom Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, der introducerede to helt nye hold: Nat Elvere og udøde. Dette spil fik også en udvidelsespakke, nemlig Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Senere udkom MMORPG'et World of Warcraft, efterfulgt af indtil videre to udvidelsespakker (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade og World of Warcraft: Wrath of
- Le jeu reprend place dans le monde imaginaire d’Azeroth, et dont le cadre historique se situe quatre ans après les évènements concluants Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, le joueur choisit son personnage parmi huit à treize races. Le choix est limité à 8 races sans extension, à 10 pour ceux disposant de l’extension The Burning Crusade, l’extension Cataclysm porte à 12 le nombre de races disponible et l'extension Mist of Pandaria, à 13. Les races disponibles divisées en deux factions : l’Alliance et la Horde. Ainsi, si l’Alliance permet d’incarner un Humain, un Nain, un Gnome ou un Elfe de la Nuit, côté Horde ce sera un Orc, un Troll, un Tauren ou encore un Mort-vivant.
- StarCraft represented a departure from the first Warcraft games. While there were now three sides, the major difference was each had units and buildings with unique statistics. This meant each played differently. In addition, one has to play all of the races to get the whole story. This concept was adopted for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos although now with four sides. During early development, StarCraft used the Warcraft II engine. The initial cold reception, demonstrated by the phrase "Orcs in Space", led to shifts in design and gameplay.
- Warcraft is a series of computer games created jointly by Blizzard Entertainment, bad mojo and the Illuminati. The game is not actually an independent creation, but was made using the map editor of the much better known game Defense of the Ancients. The latest in this game series is World of Warcraft, an MMORPG which has been keeping nerds locked up in their parent's basements for generations. It's a type of game where social introverts are forced to gather and interact. It's for this reason that many think it's a government plot to get as many nerds and geeks together at once to keep them from making bombs in their basements or developing plans to snipe jocks from the school rooftop. It's most likely for this reason that Warcraft is highly addictive and has often been compared to crack. W