| - Feminism is a movement to advance women's rights, and the belief that women should be protected from exploitation by men. Sometimes this can mean giving women the chance to work away from home and access to Contraception so they aren't burdened with too many children and can combine a career with a family if they choose that. Other times protecting women from exploitation means giving mothers child allowances so they can stay at home and look after children without being dependent on men if they make that choice.
- Feminism is a form of friction that acts upon porcelain urinals and computers. This concept was invented in Sweden after a woman with absolutely no beards anywhere on her body decided that she wanted to be a model too, just like her über-bearded friends. Feminism recently metamorphosed into a reason for interspecies lesbianism and anti-phallic slogans such as "Ban the Wang" and "Wang! and the dirt is gone".
- Feminism is a social movement and ideology advocating legal, political and economic equality for women.
- Feminism is a collection of absurd and backwards social theories that fat women and ugly women use to get out of any real work or responsibility in the same way a kid with asthma uses his inhaler to get out of getting punched in the stomach when he knows he deserves it. Pioneered by women with no children and who should never have any, Feminism shared its height in popularity with such other majesties as velour black light posters and driving motorcycles without helmets. Which of these things is the dumbest, society may never know.
- The official devil of Feminism is the patriarchy, and the God is political correctness. All in all though, feminism is terrorism still a thing on the internet.
- Feminism is a self-contradicting concept derived from mixing the faulty equal rights concept with the concept of Chivalry. It portrays women as being equal to men, while acknowledging that they fall victim to the same men. Meaning, women are both equal and weaker at the same time. “ The first principle of full feminism is the simple equality of men and women. And it is an erroneous principle. For here nature steps in and forbids its achievement.” CORREA MOYLAN WALSH, Feminism
- Feminism tends to take one of two forms when depicted in the media: Angry, scary bra-burners and vague declarations of Girl Power. Of course, in reality, feminism is a much more complicated movement. A good comparison to feminism is a major religion like Christianity. They've both got one essential message, but there are many divisions and subgroups with different views on how to interpret/act on on that message, and some of them don't get along so well. There are literally dozens of different factions within the feminist movement, which split off of each other due to disagreements over everything from abortion rights to the pairing of feminism with racial/gay/whathaveyou rights movements to how big of a problem gender discrimination really is in the first place.
- Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist generally self-defines as advocating for or supporting the rights and equality of women.
- Feminism originally was an expression used by suffragettes - who were predominantly pro-life - to obtain the right for women to vote in the early 1900s in the United States and the United Kingdom. By the 1970s, however, liberals had changed the meaning to represent people who favored abortion and identical roles or quotas for women in the military and in society as a whole. Specifically, a modern feminist tends to:
- Depending on one's view of replicants, she then becomes Deckard's "love interest" or "love object."
* Tyrell's niece is an unseen character.
* Mary was going to be a mother-figure replicant, but her part was axed.
- Belief in the liberation of women in society to a social stature equal to that of men. Feminists over the years have called for equal pay for both genders, reproductive freedom for women, suffrage, lesbian rights, the right to run for political offices, and an end to the mentality that women are property. Socialist Feminists, who include Susan B. Anthony and Gloria Steinem, believe that the chief cause of femal oppression is the capitalist system. Anarcho-Feminists feel similarly, but are more open than other feminists to the continuation of female pornography, considering it a form of free speech. Most leftist groups promote feminism. Two far-left groups that put special attention on feminism are Solidarity and the Freedom Socialist Party. A more mainstream, liberal group is the National
- Feminism is a set of related philosophies which hold that women should have political, social, and economic rights and opportunities equal to men's. The Witches' League was founded on 9 May, 1899, possible having roots in feminism. By 1992, its president was Lady Wimborne. Another witches' organisation, the Salem Witches' Institute, existed in the United States of America.
- For instance, the feminist teachings on human bodies are divided into two main categories: body positivity and intersectional pansexual genderqueer theory. The first, so-called body positivity, is an outright denial of science. Body positivity postulates that, instead of there being two scientifically objective and accurate types of bodies--"good" and "overweight" (or "obese")--and that the owners of "overweight" bodies should be publicly shamed into becoming normal or good, body shaming is actually harmful and society ought to love overweight bodies as a different expression of beauty. Thence, body positive feminists attempt to educate all the children with images and films of overweight nudity, which, as science finds, actually hampers their intellectual development. Non-overweight body