| - “Fight!” The massive tabby tom snarled at me. We circled each other warily. His hackles raised as he stared straight into my gaze. I knew he would be unsuspecting. I rammed straight into him without a moment’s thought. The cat collapsed, shrieking, as I raked my claws against his belly. He flipped over in the struggle and faced me again, leaping into me, snapping jaws heading straight for my throat. I sidestepped just in time, and his scrabbling claws caught deep into my leg instead. Blood spattered onto the dusty ground, catching the light. This cat meant to kill. So these were the Majors.
| - “Fight!” The massive tabby tom snarled at me. We circled each other warily. His hackles raised as he stared straight into my gaze. I knew he would be unsuspecting. I rammed straight into him without a moment’s thought. The cat collapsed, shrieking, as I raked my claws against his belly. He flipped over in the struggle and faced me again, leaping into me, snapping jaws heading straight for my throat. I sidestepped just in time, and his scrabbling claws caught deep into my leg instead. Blood spattered onto the dusty ground, catching the light. I flattened myself to the ground as he tried to take the breath out of me by roughly dragging me by the scruff. With a screech, I pummeled my hind legs into him. He let go with a snarl, but came back for the kill. Blood coursed through my veins, setting my heart in a racing fury. My vision turned red. This cat meant to kill. I yowled and flung my claws down his flank. Three deep channels ran down it. The tom screeched in agony and collapsed on the ground. With a final gasp, I slashed through his throat. Blood flowed thickly from it, and then stopped. The tom didn’t flinch. He was dead. “Freeze!” Three massive cats, soldiers of the Major, circled in on me. “Step away from the body,” one cat growled. I stepped back. One wrong move, and these cats would tear me apart. The largest cat by far stepped forward. Scars crisscrossed on his flank, his face a huge wound. Muscles rippled underneath his fur, and his stride spilled with authority. “Stop.” He faced me. “Eradico, you are accepted within the Majors. Good luck to you.” The speaking cat retreated and the officials stepped back. I looked around at all of the cats. They were all large, well-built figures, with wounds showing of many a battle and muscles packed under the bodies. So these were the Majors. The Major was the leading force of the Twolegplace. Their power extended over all of the Twolegplace, and controlled all of the cats within. Every rogue, loner, and kittypet feared the presence of a Major soldier, for if they were doing anything other than the Commander’s bidding, they were either put to death or given a punishment...which was usually never pleasant. My family had been targeted by all of the top lieutenants of the Majors, for we held a great history – my father had began the Central Force, which opposed the Majors and all of its foul regulation and actions. He recruited many of the bravest, strong willed and minded cats to oppose the evil and bring justice to the Twolegplace. The Central Force had grown and swelled in number, and though they laid low, every cat knew about its presence just as much as the Majors. The Commander of the Major sought out every cat associated with the Central Force and put them to death – if any Force soldiers were caught, there was no chance of escape. My father, the Force leader, and my mother urged my only brother and sister to join forces with the Majors, since they were still unknown to the Commander. If it came to knowledge to the Major that the leader of the Central Force had kits, they would be the main targets. My brother, Shard, proved his worth by working hard among the Majors. He was raised to Head lieutenant, and my sister, Sky, was the lead Offensive range. And then I was born. Just when my mother and father thought Shard and Sky were safe, I came and they were ceaselessly shifting homes, moving around, trying to keep me alive and well until I was of age to trial for the Testing ceremony. That day is today. I was now part of the Majors.