| - The Trashmaster is a garbage truck which is appears in Manhunt 2, Bully, GTA: SA, GTA 3, GTA:VC, and more games. In Manhunt, Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper must jump into the Trashmaster, so they can escape from the Dixmor Asylum and be taken to Cottonmouth.
- The Trashmaster is a recurring garbage truck. It succeeds the Garbage Truck from Grand Theft Auto 2, and reoccurs throughout the series, excluding Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. It is manufactured by Jobuilt in the HD Universe.
- In Manhunt 2, GTA III and GTA Liberty City Stories, the Trashmaster resembles a Mack MR. However, in Manhunt 2 it has different headlights and grille, resembling a Ford Cargo(known as Ford CF-7000 in the USA.)
- El Trashmaster es un vehículo de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece desde Grand Theft Auto 2 a Grand Theft Auto V. Es un camión de basura que permite realizar misiones secundarias; las misiones de Trashmaster. Esta misión secundaria aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
- thumb|250px The Trashmaster är LSD:s sopbil. Den används för att frakta sopor och skräp. Fordonet används också när Niko ska hjälpa Ray Boccino att hämta upp diamanter i Little Italy och Chinatown under uppdraget "Gå ut med soporna" ("Taking out the trash"). Kategori:Fordon GTA IV
- Trashmaster — двухдверный мусоровоз, представленный в играх серии Grand Theft Auto. Во вселенной HD производителем автомобиля является компания Jobuilt.
- Le Trashmaster est un camion-poubelle disponible dans les épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants :
* Grand Theft Auto III
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
* Grand Theft Auto IV
* et Grand Theft Auto V.