| - Wizars of the Coast is a game publisher who publishes the Star Wars Roleplaying game and the Star Wars Miniatures game.
- Wizards of the Coast (WotC), a division of Hasbro, is the owner and publisher of the Dungeons and Dragons game.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons. Currently they are a subsidiary of Hasbro and released the Transformers 3D Battle Card Game in June 2007.
- Wizards of the Coast is a large tabletop roleplaying game publishing company. It took control of TSR, Inc. in the late 1990s. WotC owned Amazing Stories magazine from 1997 to 2000, during which time it printed two StarCraft universe-related short stories; StarCraft: Revelations and StarCraft: Hybrid. Before StarCraft went live, Wizards of the Coast playtested the game. During that time period, it also published Alternity: StarCraft Edition.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as "WotC" or simply "Wizards") is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes.
- Wizards of the Coast. 통칭 WotC, 돈법사, 해변의 법사, Wizards. 1990년 창설되어 90년대 중반 Trading Card Game Magic: the Gathering의 히트로 일약 업계의 큰 손이 된 게임 퍼블리셔. 1997년 TSR을 인수함으로서 RPG 계에 큰 충격을 안겨다준다. 97년에서 99년 사이, WotC는 그레이호크와 포가튼 릴름, 에베론 세팅에 집중하기 위해 TSR의 사랑받아온 캠페인 세팅 다수(Planescape, Dark Sun, Spelljammer 등)를 포기하고 팬 그룹과 써드 파티에게 넘겨준다. 1999년 미국의 거대 토이 메이커인 Hasbro에 부속되었다. TSR 인수와는 달리 하스브로는 WotC의 상표를 그대로 유지하고 있다. 현재는 보드 게임과 콜렉터블 카드 게임, 롤플레잉 게임에 주력하고 있다.
- Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:19, March 11, 2014 (UTC)
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s, and experienced tremendous success with the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games. Currently they are a subsidiary of Hasbro.
- Wizards of the Coast is a company owned by Hasbro. It has made numerous products, some are Star Wars related.
- Wizards of the Coast, to wydawnictwo utworzone w 1990 roku przez Petera Adkisona.
- Wizards of the Coast, tunnettu myös lyhenteellä WotC, oli Tähtien sota -oheistuotteiden valmistaja. Tammikuussa 2010 se ilmoitti lopettavansa tuoteiden valmistuksen.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes.
- ウィザーズ・オブ・ザ・コースト社(Wizards of the Coast、略称:WotC)は、アメリカのゲーム出版社で、主にファンタジーやSFをテーマとしたゲームを制作している。もともとはロールプレイングゲームの出版社だったが、1990年代半ばに『マジック:ザ・ギャザリング』とともにトレーディングカードゲームというジャンルを作り出した。 1997年に『ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ』の元々の版元であったTSR社を買収、TSR社のスタッフの多くがウィスコンシン州からレントンに移転し、TSR社の晩年の混乱時に解雇されたゲームデザイナーも多くがウィザーズ・オブ・ザ・コースト社に再雇用された。TSRの名はしばらくの間ブランド名として使われたが、現在は使われていない。TSRの商標も有効期限が切れている。 1999年9月に大手玩具メーカーのハスブロに買収された。現在はボードゲーム、トレーディングカードゲーム、ロールプレイングゲームを出版している。
- Wizards of the Coast, a division of Hasbro Inc., is the company responsible for the production of Dungeons & Dragons source material since it absorbed TSR in 1997. The company is also responsible for games such as Magic the Gathering, Axis & Allies as well as the Star Wars roleplaying game.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes and the current license holder of Dungeons & Dragons and its Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games. Currently they are a subsidiary of Hasbro.
- Wizards of the Coast is een Amerikaans bedrijf en momenteel ook onderdeel van Hasbro. Wizards bezat de rechten op het Star Wars RPG, Trading Card Game en Star Wars Miniatures. In 1999 verwierf WotC de rechten op het RPG dat voordien gepubliceerd werd door West End Games. Wizards publiceerde een aantal goede boeken en op hun website zijn een aantal interessante artikels verschenen. In januari 2010 werd beslist om de licentie op Star Wars Miniatures en het RPG niet te verlengen.
- thumb|right|Das Logo von Wizards of the Coast Wizards of the Coast ist eine im Jahr 1990 gegründete US-amerikanische Firma mit Sitz in Renton, Washington. Sie gehört zur Hasbro-Gruppe und stellt Sammelkarten- und Rollenspiele her. Wizards wurde durch die Veröffentlichung des ersten Sammelkartenspiels bekannt - Magic: Die Zusammenkunft.
- Wizards of the Coast (часто упоминаемая как WotC или просто Wizards) — это американская компания, выпускающая настольные ролевые игры, в основном базирующиеся на фэнтези и фантастике. Начав с выпуска ролевых систем, они популяризировали жанр коллекционных карточных игр посредством Magic: The Gathering в середине 1990-х. Сегодня они выпускают настольные игры, коллекционные карточные игры и ролевые игры. В данный момент Wizards of the Coast является дочерней компанией Hasbro.
- The following sets were released:
* Base Set
* Jungle
* Fossil
* Team Rocket
* Gym Heroes
* Gym Challenge
* Neo Genesis
* Neo Discovery
* Neo Revelation
* Neo Destiny
* Legendary Collection
* Expedition Base Set
* Aquapolis
* Skyridge
* Southern Islands
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is a publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s, and experienced tremendous success with the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games, including the "world's most popular role-playing game," Dungeons & Dragons, which is now in its fifth edition. Currently they are a subsidiary of Hasbro.
- The subsidiary of Hasbro that contains the Avalon Hill division, which publishes Axis & Allies.
- Until May of 2010, Wizards of the Coast (or WotC) was the license-holder and publisher of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, the Star Wars Trading Card Game, and Star Wars Miniatures. The first Star Wars Roleplaying Game product was released in 2000 and the Revised Core Rulebook, containing a new version of the rules was released in 2002. The Star Wars Miniatures game started in 2004. A new edition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game rules, Saga Edition, was released in June of 2007. Wizards of the Coast is based in Renton, Washington.
- right|thumb|Logo. Wizards of the Coast (o WotC) son los titulares de licencia actuales y editores del Star Wars Roleplaying Game, el Star Wars Trading Card Game, y las Star Wars Miniatures. El primer producto del juego de rol fue publicado en 2000 y el Revised Core Rulebook, conteniendo una nueva versión de las reglas fue publicado en 2002. El juego de miniaturas comenzó en 2004. Una nueva edición de las reglas del juego de rol, la edición saga, fue publicada en junio del 2007. Wizards of the Coast esta ubicada en Renton, Washington.
- Their foray into the world of games began with Magic: The Gathering, one of the first collectible card games (CCGs). They expanded into role-playing games (RPGs) when they purchased TSR, Inc. in 1997 and gained the Dungeons & Dragons RPG. This was since converted into the d20 System that numerous other games have been based upon, including a version of Prime Directive by Amarillo Design Bureau. The game and toy giant Hasbro bought Wizards of the Coast in September 1999.
- Wizards of the Coast (WotC) is a publisher of roleplaying games and collectible card games, most notably Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, respectively. Wizards purchased TSR, Inc. (the original publisher of Dungeons & Dragons) in 1997, and was in turn purchased by Hasbro in 1999.
- Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes, and formerly an operator of retail stores for games. Originally a basement-run Role-playing game publisher, the company popularized the Collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s, acquired the popular Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game by purchasing the failing company TSR, and experienced tremendous success by publishing the licensed Pokémon Trading Card Game. The company's corporate headquarters are located in Renton, Washington in the United States of America.
- Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (сокращённо WotC, в народе также просто «Визарды») — американская компания-издатель настольных ролевых и карточных игр, в основном фэнтезийной и научно-фантастической тематики. С 2000 года принадлежит компании-производителю игрушек Hasbro, Inc. Основным направлением деятельности является разработка и издание колекционных карточных игр, таких как Magic: the Gathering и Pokémon Trading Card Game; сам жанр колекционных карточных игр запатентован WotC. В мире настольных ролевых игр компания известна прежде всего как издатель линейки D&D (редакции 3.0, 3.5, 4 и 5), самой популярной и коммерчески успешной серии настольных ролевых игр за всю историю индустрии.
- Wizards of the Coast was founded by Peter Adkison in 1990 just outside Seattle, Washington, and their headquarters is still in nearby Renton. Originally the company only published role-playing games such as the third edition of Talislanta and their own The Primal Order. The release of The Primal Order brought legal trouble with Palladium Books suing for references to their game and system. The suit was settled in 1993 by Wizards paying an undisclosed sum to Palladium and agreeing not to mention their products again.
- Wizards redirects here. For the character class, see wizard. File:Wizards of the Coast logo.png Wizards of the Coast (WotC) is an American game publisher, and is a subsidiary of the toy and board game company Hasbro. Wizards of the Coast products include the Magic: the Gathering and Pokémon collectible card games, and the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop roleplaying game. Wizards of the Coast's website is at wizards.com.