Sa is the Dragon's Gate god of Magick. He is the embodiment of all of the processes by which magick functions. The worshipers of Sa worship magick in all its manifestations. Sa has, over the years, appeared to his followers in many different guises. He is therefore usually represented by a thin spidery 'M'-shaped symbol from the ancient Frontacian script pronounced "ss-ah", or with some similar archaic symbol. Rarely is Sa represented in a physical form. Sa is a fairly consistent deity and rarely changes his ways. Only when absolute chaos or great turmoil is prevalent does Sa adjust. The last time this happened, Death vanished. Sa is all aspects of magick and is pleased by those who follow his teachings or employ magick in ingenious ways.
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| - Sa is the Dragon's Gate god of Magick. He is the embodiment of all of the processes by which magick functions. The worshipers of Sa worship magick in all its manifestations. Sa has, over the years, appeared to his followers in many different guises. He is therefore usually represented by a thin spidery 'M'-shaped symbol from the ancient Frontacian script pronounced "ss-ah", or with some similar archaic symbol. Rarely is Sa represented in a physical form. Sa is a fairly consistent deity and rarely changes his ways. Only when absolute chaos or great turmoil is prevalent does Sa adjust. The last time this happened, Death vanished. Sa is all aspects of magick and is pleased by those who follow his teachings or employ magick in ingenious ways.
- Sa - popularny magiczny znak ochronny w kształcie prostej pętli. Był atrybutem Toeris. Znany akże w innych kontekstach już od czasów Średniego Państwa. Kategoria:Symbolika
- Sa je niekto, či niečo nevyspytateľné. Je to najväčší a najtajomnejší makač na celom svete, jeho príbuznými sú nikto, niekto, ale aj Samo. Možno to ani nie je rúhanie, keď povieme, že sa má niečo spoločné s bohmi. Je to zváštne, iba v súvislosti s ním môžme s istotou povedať, že Sa Chuck Norris nasral. Sa je rukolapným dôkazom o tom, aké je ľudské myslenie omylné.
- you meedid
- Chercher "sa" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- thumb|135px De Sturmabteilung (ook wel SA of Bruinhemden genoemd) was een door Adolf Hitler in 1921 opgerichte beschermingsdienst met in eerste instantie de taak om partijvergaderingen van de NSDAP (Nationaalsocialistische Duitse Arbeiderspartij) te beschermen tegen 'communisten en socialisten'. 'Communisten en socialisten' was in die tijd een verzamelnaam voor alle vijanden van de NSDAP.
- Sa is a kind of berries on Kelewan. They are used to make wine.
- The acronym SA may refer to:
* Security Architecture
* Security association
* Situational awareness
* System administrator
* System and Services Acquisition
- Sturmabteilung lyh. SA (tarkoittaen "rynnäkködivisioona" tai suoraan "myrskyjoukot") toimi natsipuolue NSDAP:n puolisotilaallisena järjestönä. Se näytteli tärkeää osaa Adolf Hitlerin nousussa valtaan 1930-luvulla. SA:n miehiä kutsuttiin usein univormunsa mukaan "ruskeapaidoiksi" erotuksena SS-joukkojen "mustapaidoista".
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| - Sa is the Dragon's Gate god of Magick. He is the embodiment of all of the processes by which magick functions. The worshipers of Sa worship magick in all its manifestations. Sa has, over the years, appeared to his followers in many different guises. He is therefore usually represented by a thin spidery 'M'-shaped symbol from the ancient Frontacian script pronounced "ss-ah", or with some similar archaic symbol. Rarely is Sa represented in a physical form. Sa is a fairly consistent deity and rarely changes his ways. Only when absolute chaos or great turmoil is prevalent does Sa adjust. The last time this happened, Death vanished. Sa is all aspects of magick and is pleased by those who follow his teachings or employ magick in ingenious ways.
- Sa - popularny magiczny znak ochronny w kształcie prostej pętli. Był atrybutem Toeris. Znany akże w innych kontekstach już od czasów Średniego Państwa. Kategoria:Symbolika
- Sa je niekto, či niečo nevyspytateľné. Je to najväčší a najtajomnejší makač na celom svete, jeho príbuznými sú nikto, niekto, ale aj Samo. Možno to ani nie je rúhanie, keď povieme, že sa má niečo spoločné s bohmi. Je to zváštne, iba v súvislosti s ním môžme s istotou povedať, že Sa Chuck Norris nasral. Sa je rukolapným dôkazom o tom, aké je ľudské myslenie omylné.
- you meedid
- Chercher "sa" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- thumb|135px De Sturmabteilung (ook wel SA of Bruinhemden genoemd) was een door Adolf Hitler in 1921 opgerichte beschermingsdienst met in eerste instantie de taak om partijvergaderingen van de NSDAP (Nationaalsocialistische Duitse Arbeiderspartij) te beschermen tegen 'communisten en socialisten'. 'Communisten en socialisten' was in die tijd een verzamelnaam voor alle vijanden van de NSDAP.
- Sa is a kind of berries on Kelewan. They are used to make wine.
- The acronym SA may refer to:
* Security Architecture
* Security association
* Situational awareness
* System administrator
* System and Services Acquisition
- Sturmabteilung lyh. SA (tarkoittaen "rynnäkködivisioona" tai suoraan "myrskyjoukot") toimi natsipuolue NSDAP:n puolisotilaallisena järjestönä. Se näytteli tärkeää osaa Adolf Hitlerin nousussa valtaan 1930-luvulla. SA:n miehiä kutsuttiin usein univormunsa mukaan "ruskeapaidoiksi" erotuksena SS-joukkojen "mustapaidoista".
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