| - Beat 'em Up ist das führende Fachblatt für Kampfsportler. Durch dessen Ausgaben erlernt Xell neue Spezial-Techniken.
- According to beat 'em ups, there are three primary types of crime that call for spur-of-the-moment vigilante-ism.
* Kidnapping the mayor's daughter/hero's girlfriend.
* Pushing a brand new, highly addictive, easily recognizable (usually because it's glowing green) drug with a cool name like SKULL or NUKE.
* Planting bombs and holding the city to ransom.
- Unter Beat 'em up (Beat them up englisch für Schlag sie zusammen) versteht man eine Gattung von Videospielen, die das Thema Gewalt thematisieren. Dabei ist es keine pure blutige und realsitische Gewalt wie bei Ego-Shootern wie Call of Duty, denn meistens kämpfen die Charaktere auf eine übernatürliche Weise. Sie besitzen Zauberkräfte oder ähnliche Spezialattacken. Meistens ist es ein Zweikampf, der wie ein 2D-Jump 'n' Run aufgebaut ist. Man spielt seinen Charakter von der Seite, läuft, springt und kämpft.
- Beat 'em up (also known as brawler) is a video game genre featuring melee combat between the protagonist and large numbers of antagonists. These games typically take place in urban settings and feature crime-fighting and revenge based plots, though some games may employ historical or fantasy themes. Traditional beat 'em ups take place in scrolling, two-dimensional (2D) levels, though some later games feature more open three-dimensional (3D) environments with yet larger numbers of enemies. These games are noted for their simple gameplay, a source of both critical acclaim and derision. Two-player cooperative gameplay and multiple player characters are also hallmarks of the genre.
| - Beat 'em Up ist das führende Fachblatt für Kampfsportler. Durch dessen Ausgaben erlernt Xell neue Spezial-Techniken.
- Beat 'em up (also known as brawler) is a video game genre featuring melee combat between the protagonist and large numbers of antagonists. These games typically take place in urban settings and feature crime-fighting and revenge based plots, though some games may employ historical or fantasy themes. Traditional beat 'em ups take place in scrolling, two-dimensional (2D) levels, though some later games feature more open three-dimensional (3D) environments with yet larger numbers of enemies. These games are noted for their simple gameplay, a source of both critical acclaim and derision. Two-player cooperative gameplay and multiple player characters are also hallmarks of the genre. The first influential beat 'em up was 1984's Kung-Fu Master, with 1986's Renegade introducing the urban settings and underworld revenge themes employed extensively by later games. The genre then saw a period of high popularity between the release of Double Dragon in 1987, which defined the two-player cooperative mode central to classic beat 'em ups, and 1991's Street Fighter II, which drew gamers towards one-on-one fighting games. Games such as Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight and Golden Axe are other classics to emerge from this period. The genre has been less popular since the emergence of 3D-based mass-market games, but still some beat 'em ups adapted the simple formula to utilize large-scale 3D environments.
- According to beat 'em ups, there are three primary types of crime that call for spur-of-the-moment vigilante-ism.
* Kidnapping the mayor's daughter/hero's girlfriend.
* Pushing a brand new, highly addictive, easily recognizable (usually because it's glowing green) drug with a cool name like SKULL or NUKE.
* Planting bombs and holding the city to ransom.
- Unter Beat 'em up (Beat them up englisch für Schlag sie zusammen) versteht man eine Gattung von Videospielen, die das Thema Gewalt thematisieren. Dabei ist es keine pure blutige und realsitische Gewalt wie bei Ego-Shootern wie Call of Duty, denn meistens kämpfen die Charaktere auf eine übernatürliche Weise. Sie besitzen Zauberkräfte oder ähnliche Spezialattacken. Meistens ist es ein Zweikampf, der wie ein 2D-Jump 'n' Run aufgebaut ist. Man spielt seinen Charakter von der Seite, läuft, springt und kämpft.