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- Tyrant is a large Orbital Frame shaped like a turtle and resembling a larger Mummyhead. It is piloted by Axe and is featured as an enemy boss in Zone of the Enders. The OF Nerokerubina is a reference to the Orbital Frame in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars.
- These Tyrants are prototype models that have not been mass-produced. They are products of early tests with the T-virus or one-of-a-kind variants created under unique circumstances.
- The Tyrant is a clip-fed Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2015 under the Air Max sub-series. It comes packaged with a twelve dart clip and twelve XL Distance Darts.
- Tyrant (タイラント Tairanto?) is a chimera-like kaiju, created from the spirits of the Ultra Brother's fallen foes that debuted in Ultraman Taro. He came to Earth to challenge Taro after defeating the other Ultra Brothers, where he was quickly defeated by the young Ultra Crusader. Tyrant is also technically an alien Kaiju despite some of his components being from Earth, as he was formed on Neptune and contains components from two of Yapool's Choju, King Crab and Barabas. Subtitle: Tyrant Monster (暴君怪獣 Bōkun Kaijū?)
- The Tyrant was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer belonging to the starfleet of the Galactic Empire. It was part of Darth Vader's Death Squadron, and, in that capacity, it took part in the Battle of Hoth against the Rebel Alliance. During the battle, the Tyrant tried to intercept the first Rebel transports to flee from Hoth. However, the Star Destroyer's electronics and computer systems were disabled by several shots from the Rebel's v-150 ion cannon, commanded by Toryn Farr. While the Tyrant was left to float helplessly through the Hoth system, several more Rebel transports managed to fall through the cracks.
- Monster Rancher 2: The wings on its back are to small for it to fly.
- Tyrant is a dragon form in Breath of Fire IV. It is the ultimate dragon transformation used by Fou-lu, and is considered an upgrade over Astral. Ryu's counterpart is Kaiser.
- The Tyrant is the longest serving model in the Empire. The robust build and its body, constructed from cheap heavy metals from Grecein, give it great cargo capacity but also a very high mass. It is the only ship without mountings for laser weapons (this means no asteroid mining!), but its three Missile Mounts can keep unwanted guests at a distance, at least for a short while. The rust on the outer hull are natural in older models, but most are added with an artificial oxidation process, to satisfy the nostalgic feeling of many traders.
- Tyrant is a heavyweight and is one of Bowser's three karts in Mario Kart DS, along with Standard BW and the Hurricane. This kart resembles Bowser's foot. This is the heaviest kart in the game and has very high top speed, the lowest acceleration and handling in the game, but has fairly high drift, and has a high items stat as well.
- He is a little on the short side, with broad shoulders and a long, braided stygian beard. He has green-blue eyes and pale skin.
- Tyrant is Bowser's kart, first appearing in MKDS. It looks like a Bowser's yellow foot . It also has ice-white spikes in front of it. It is third fastest and the most heaviest kart in the game. But its handling and acceleration is very poor, making it a bad pick for you. If you use this kart, it has ability to use rare items because its tyre is very big. Its drifting is all right.
- Tyrant, also known as Emperor Marcus Cole, is a Praetorian Earth Archvillain, the Praetorian counterpart to Primal Earth's Statesman. As such, he is the leader of all Praetorians. Tyrant spawns at a minimum of level 50 regardless of the level of the mission holder. This is unique among Archvillains, as no other Archvillains from normal Story Arcs follow this particular behaviour. Heroes may find him:
* on the Free Statesman mission from Maria Jenkins as a minimum level 50 Archvillain (Levels 45-50)
- A Tyrant is an enemy and/or boss in the Resident Evil series of survival horror games. They are biologically engineered organisms created by the Umbrella Corporation to serve as potential soldiers. Several variations of the Tyrant have appeared in the games. Unfortunately for them, many were created with their oversized hearts exposed, this being a major weakness in an otherwise fearsome foe.
- A available to all characters (no gender restriction) in level 80 guilds. Eligible characters can purchase it from Freeport/Neriak city merchants for 3p 60g 3,430,450 status.
- "Tyrant" (pol. "Tyran") to rządny potęgi Mroczny Łowca, który został zdradzony przez swoją organizację.
- Tyrants are one of the large carnivores native to Shear, one of the top predators of it's territory. Tyrants are aquatic hunters, with a behavior resembling that of an alligator. It lies and wait in the murky waters for smaller creatures to venture close, to which it attacks with massive jaws, and drowns underwater before consuming it. It has a large selection of prey items to choose from, which include humans. However, towards larger creatures close to it's own size, or another large predator, it won't attack unless provoked.
- He drops loot skull chest with famed or legendary weapons and gold sometimes but most of the time he drops famed or legendary weapons.
- Tyrants are by far the most powerful aliens. Despite being prone to being trapped in areas, it doesn't require much skill to excell at being a Tyrant. It has two basic attacks: charge and maul. Tyrants also have a healing aura, which heals all adjacent aliens twice as fast.
- Tyrant is an online collectible card game with a large number of available cards. It is based on the War Metal game, is set in the same universe as War Metal, and takes place decades into the future. New players are presented with a tutorial, which helps the player through the first two missions. The game started as a Facebook app, but is now also available on Kongregate. The game uses a micro-transaction currency called War Bonds, which you can purchase for Kreds. War Bonds may also be obtained in the random Daily Gifts. __TOC__
- Lost horizons everywhere the sun is grey and dark A coach runs through the shattered night without a tone Four winds howl into the night it's cold and wet Horses, black and danerous horror runs my blood Tyrant The beast, comes to kill us The beast, comes to kill us The beast, comes to kill us The beast, comes to ... Magic world's around my soul desaster's burning high He's the son of heaven's devil he's the arm of death Don't look back, don't look back you can lose your life Tyrant sees every step, every step you make Tyrant Tyrant!
- The Tyrant is one of the two default Karts of Bowsers in Mario Kart DS.
- A Naverian title.
* It is cited in the Glorious ReAscent as a type of rule known by the "barbarians" who are not Orlanthi
* It seems to have its origins in the myths of Vantestos
* It was next mentioned in the myths of Gardevesus who used it against the Rinliddi.
* In historical times, a tyrant is known in Ganbarri. Source: Fortunate Succession
- The Tyrant was a series of experimental and mass-produced Bio Organic Weapons developed by the Umbrella Corporation to serve as potential supersoldiers.
- The Tyrant uses weapons that assist his personal tangsu. He is a top student at the temple of power and fire. The Tyrant is famous for using such techniques as Force Buster , which explodes energy and attacks multiple enemies whose way is blocked; Burning Fist, which throws strong fists of fire; and Punch of Doom, which causes extreme damage to an opponent while consuming a lot of physical strength
- The Tyrant is the personnel flagship of Sith Lord Darth Tormen, and is used as his base of operations.
- Tyrant on liskomainen Varjon Metsästäjä.Se on saanut nimensä Tyrannosauruksen mukaan.
- TYRANT is a track in the BIOHAZARD Operation Raccoon City ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album.
- In Klingon mythology, Molor was sometimes described as a tyrant. (TNG: "Rightful Heir" , "Firstborn" ) The 19th century song A British Tar featured the line "...or the tang of a tyrant tongue!" (Star Trek: Insurrection) During the Eugenics Wars on Earth in the 1990s, a series of Augment tyrants ruled over several areas. Khan Noonien Singh was described as "the best of the tyrants" and was the last one to be overthrown. (TOS: "Space Seed" ) On Sarpeidon, Zor Kahn had the epithet "the Tyrant". (TOS: "All Our Yesterdays" )
- Batailles Affiliation Flotte(s) Groupe(s) d'attaque Propriétaire(s) Commandant(s) Membres d'Équipage [Source] Le Tyrant était un Destroyer Stellaire de classe Impérial II produit par les Chantiers Navals de Kuat pour l'Empire Galactique. Il servait au sein de l'Escadron de la Mort en 3 PBY, lors de la Bataille de Hoth.
- The Tyrant is a Zerg superorganism formed by the merging of a Hatchery/Lair/Hive and an Apex Relay. Among the largest of the strains ever evolved, the Tyrant has a combination of both the Primal and current zerg. Part of its genome is derived from Nydus worms, Brutalisks, and the same species as the Ancient One. All these traits gives it the appearance of a centipede-serpent with armored paws (Marvel: Midgard Serpent; Mass Effect: Thresher Maw). Fuelled with a near inexhaustible hunger, a Tyrant can devour entire landmasses within hours. If given enough time and biomass, a Tyrant can grow large enough to wrap around a moon and even bite the head off a Leviathan.
- Tyrants have unique names and there is only one of each of these monsters in the world. Tyrants are similar to Unique Monsters from Xenoblade Chronicles. All Tyrants have a special frame when looking at them and have special symbols with their level tag. Some tyrants may also have a unique color palette and distinguishing features such as pre-broken appendages. Some Tyrants have unique abilities, such as automatically restoring health, reflecting attributes, having 100 resistance to one or more attributes, or reacting to the status of another nearby Tyrant.
- TyranT has been in the business for over twenty years. But despite his vast knowledge and experience in wrestling, since coming to the FMW federation, it has been more then obvious that he is well out of his league. With his prime years long having past when he did possess skill, not to mention his past injury leaving a mark on his speed and capabilities, by all rights TyranT should have hung up his wrestling boots and called it a day a long time ago. But serious troubles with his entire family have left him in need of serious cash in order to finance and support his failing family. With a daughter in serious need of psychiatric care, a brother who owes money to the mob, an aging mother who is struggling to stay in her home, five other daughters in foreign countries all needing university
- The following Tyrants were created by the users of Gory Storm.
* The Stalwart, also known by it's serial number T-077, was created by JobenX. It is part of the Joben Continuety. The Stalwart was encountered and defeated in Racoon City by Gareth Knight, and was developed by Roderick Lazarus
* The Silvus was created by Weskers Virus. Silvus is an incredibly resiliant creature, and was encountered by agents of Night-Air in Racoon City.
* The Reaver was also created by Weskers Virus. It was designed for sea missions, and was encountered by a survivor of Racoon City named Adam Greenham.
* The Swift Tyrant, also known by it's serial number T-100 or simply as Swift, was created by BillyLo. It is similar in proportions to a human being. It was designed by Maxwell Hunter and was de
- Tyrant sono delle potentissime creature apparse in quasi tutti i giochi della serie. Sono delle potentissime B.O.W. (Armi Bio Organiche) create dalla Umbrella Corporation per scopi militari. Appaiono come giganteschi uomini con degli artigli affilati nelle dita e molto spesso con gli organi interni esposti a causa della loro eccessiva grandezza, conseguenza della mutazione.
- Once assigned to Darth Vader's Death Squadron, it has been commanded by the capable Captain Lennox, with Lieutenant Cabbel serving as executive officer. During the Battle of Hoth, Tyrant attempted to intercept the first Rebel transports to flee from Hoth, but was disabled by several shots from the Rebel's planetary ion cannon. Its most famous squadron, by far, was Shadow Squadron, led by then Lieutenant Commander Danik Kreldin. The TIE fighters of Shadow Squadron swept the asteroid field in search of the Millennium Falcon, but would come up with nothing.