| - From: Chairman of A1 1 November 2009 10:00 To: Central People's Government of Erusia Bcc: Tomas Caulfield Comrade General Secretary We understand your declining of the invitation, as some have already done so with similar reasons. We hold nothing against you or your micronations due to this decision. We do not seek to control our glorious allies. A1 too is a member of the UNMCN and the GUM, and we have seen both of these organisations barely able to stand up on their own 30 or so micronational feet, with the UNMCN forums and website disappearing for some reason a few weeks ago. The UNMCN, especially, was promising and did some good things in its first weeks, but after this, almost every micronation appeared to lose interest in it and now, it seems, it joins the long list of interm
| - From: Chairman of A1 1 November 2009 10:00 To: Central People's Government of Erusia Bcc: Tomas Caulfield Comrade General Secretary We understand your declining of the invitation, as some have already done so with similar reasons. We hold nothing against you or your micronations due to this decision. We do not seek to control our glorious allies. A1 too is a member of the UNMCN and the GUM, and we have seen both of these organisations barely able to stand up on their own 30 or so micronational feet, with the UNMCN forums and website disappearing for some reason a few weeks ago. The UNMCN, especially, was promising and did some good things in its first weeks, but after this, almost every micronation appeared to lose interest in it and now, it seems, it joins the long list of intermicronational organisations collecting dust on the world's servers. The decision to establish such an organisation was recommended in our July 2009 Foreign Affairs White Paper, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Office of the Deputy Chairman both lobbyed for my nation to do so. Eventually, I agreed, and the product of this is the OAM. I do not envisage it succeeding or achieving much in these first few weeks, as we are still technically under construction and trying to fix errors and issues that keep popping up all over the place, but in the future, once our aims and principles are firmly established as being different to those of organisations such as the GUM, I envisage it becoming somewhat more important than it is now. I would also like to emphasise that the organisation does not intend in any way, shape or form to infringe on the solid ground that the GUM has in settling intermicronational disputes through the Justice Commission or other areas of micronational peace and safety, but, as stated in the Charter, to hold more of an 'onlookers' position, as the United Nations General Assembly does in passing resolutions that commend or condemn a particular action or event. I hope to, also, establish some form of Micronational Dictionary, detailing and listing terms commonly used by micronationalists and their nations I have already invested a lot of time and effort into this organisation, and we intend to make it work, even if it does end up deviating from the broad goals that we have set out thus far. Thank your for your understanding. -- Kind regards, Sir. Philip Fish Chairman Minister for Interior The Most Glorious People's Republic of A1