| - Basic Trope: Some Hollywood hack gets something wrong again.
* Straight: The creators of Generic Science Show generally get things like units of measure wrong.
* Exaggerated:
* The creators of the show get everything wrong, so that the only value is the Guilty Pleasure value.
* Critical Research Failure.
* Downplayed: The creators of the show tend to get only obscure things wrong.
* Justified:
* They're TV executives, not scientists. You can't blame them for everything.
* A character states something factually incorrect, but the character is known to be an idiot.
* Inverted: Shown Their Work
* Subverted:
* The producers actually start researching things to make the show credible. Or they are correct by accident.
* The subject is so outlandishly absurd that one would naturally think there's no way it could be correct, until they find out that it is.
* Double Subverted:
* But that was just to get the FCC off their backs, and they're back to their old antics within a few weeks.
* See Dan Browned.
* Parodied:
* The opening narration openly admits that they don't do a lick of research.
* Alternatively: They do the research, then replace all the correct details with incorrect ones on purpose.
* Deconstructed:
* The show is popular enough to where Six-Pack thinks that most of what they say is true, even when it isn't...much to the consternation of anyone who did the research.
* See Dan Browned.
* Reconstructed:
* The show's lack of research causes people to become genuinely interested in the subject matter - to the point where they're willing to do their own research.
* See Dan Browned.
* Zig Zagged: They increased the quality, but that was just to appease the FCC. But even after that period ends, the quality is still higher overall.
* Averted: The work is fairly accurate, but makes no attempt to go into detail.
* Enforced: "Ah, I've got too much to do - I don't have time to research that science stuff!"
* Lampshaded:
* "You sure this is how it actually happened?"
* "Yes, we know it wouldn't really happen this way. Just go with it."
* Invoked:
* See "Enforced" and "Parodied".
* Acceptable Breaks From Reality.
* Defied: The producers decide to actually do their research before the show starts airing.
* Discussed: "Are you sure we can halve the cooking time by doubling the temperature?" "No; and frankly the colossal mess we're about to make is the sole reason why we even have viewers. Now, did the recipe say degrees Kelvin or Fahrenheit?" "Eh, lets flip a coin!"
* Conversed: "Generic Science Show? Oh, goody, another person who thinks they're talking truth." Back to Shown Their Work...I mean, Did Not Get the Girl...that is, Did Not Do the Research.