| - Also, Rhinoblaster is one of the best monsters in the scene that fight on rangers with his Football Putties to the call for Tommy the Green Ranger to unfit the music called "Go Green Ranger Go". in during episode "Football Season" made by during Zyu2.
- Rhinoblaster was an American football-playing rhinoceros monster created by Finster. He's quick on his feet and very clever. He could emit white mists from his nostrils and place his enemies in a multidimensional vortex. He wields a curved sword. He could project energy bolts from his sword and horn. He had put the Putty Patrol in football jerseys to battle the Power Rangers, then used his white mist to trap the Rangers in the vortex. He was then challenged by Tommy and the Dragonzord. As Rhinoblaster emitted his mist to trap Tommy, Tommy threw the Dragon Dagger into the source of the mist, as Jason caught it, allowing the other Rangers to escape the vortex. But still, the Rhinoblaster overwhelmed the Dragonzord and the Megazord until they combined into the Mega-Dragonzord, and launched its Z-sphere blast that destroyed Rhinoblaster.Football Season Trumpet Top later summoned an illusionary Rhinoblaster as part of a plot to wear down the Rangers until Zordon saw through the plan.Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park Doomstone later revived Rhinoblaster to attack the Rangers in Lord Zedd's Haunted Forest.Zedd's Monster Mash Rhinoblaster was among the monsters recreated by Finster to ambush the Rangers at the Spectre Theatre. Rhinoblaster and Peckster were later selected to guard the Rangers in the Spectre Theater as Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd got married. They failed miserably, as he and Peckster were ensnared in a net by the Rangers, leading to the Rangers' eventual escape. Peckster and Rhinoblaster in the Spectre Theater were not at all like their original menacing selves, but instead more like a monster version of Bulk and Skull. The Wedding Years later, Rhinoblaster was seen on Onyx during Trakeena's visit there. Heir to the Throne In "The Fate Of Lightspeed" Pt. 2, Rhinoblaster was among the monsters seen in the Shadow World.