| - 259200.0
- or
- All you want is to know where it takes me? Why?
- Are you still here?
- Brought To You By OmniDrink
- Don't be silly, what other kind of crash is there?
- Error Loading Avatar Mesh ... Reloading
- Goodybye.
- Hah! They may fool you, but they don't fool me.
- Have you looked at the calendar yet?
- Hmm, that sounds harmless enough.
- Crashed?! The airship is undamaged and you are uninjured. I find it hard to believe that you crashed.
- I can't believe you're still reading this.
- Init Map
- Initialiing Camera Rotation
- Initialing Quantum Acceleration
- Loading Map
- Loading Map Sound
- No! It's not knowledge they want!
- OmniDrink has granted you an item reward.
- Salutations, hello, and welcome. I am Cresento, and this is my magical, marvelous, and mysterious airship.
- Re-Reloadng Map Sound !?!
- ReInitializing Physics
- Reloadng Map Sound
- Time Warping Graphic Acceleration
- Try again later
- Very well, I agree to your terms.
- I realized long ago that I would never see everything my airship had to show, even had I lived one-hundred lifetimes. Due to recent financial developments, I can now afford to allow others to ride my airship. With their help, I hope to discover every fantastic destination.
- You just received Error.
- [POPUP] Error: Load Map Timeout
- Very well, I shall take you at your word. However, if the airship did not take you anywhere I suppose we have nothing left to discuss. Good day.
- Error: Quantum Manipulation Force Failure. Reseting Norm.
- OmniDrink! Those bastards, I knew there'd be a catch!
- You climb the ladder and board Cresento's Magical Airship
- I warn you, be careful what you say. OmniDrink will not take kindly to your tone! If you do not wish to ride my airship then that is your business, but I suggest you keep thoughts such as these to yourself.
:[ Conversation ends, talk to Cresento to restart from the beginning ]
- I figured you'd leave after the Quantum Acceleration.
- Task Completed!
You've just completed the Tlauixcalpantecuhtliopolis mission, brought to you by OmniDrink Amalgamated Heavy Manufacturing Concern. Try the OmniDrink Personal Improvement Spray today!
OmniDrink A Brighter Future
OmniDrink products are not intended for drinking.
- I await your tale. Climb the ladder and board my airship. The journey of a lifetime awaits!
- Hooray, [name] returns! Tell me, friend, where did my airship take you?
- Perhaps an easier question would be: Where doesn't it go? You see, my airship carries every traveler to a different destination. Why, I simply could not list the innumerable possibilities. One never knows what fabulous journey awaits until boarding.
- What do you mean it didn't take you anywhere? I saw you board and fly away.
- You do not have permission to board Cresento's Magic Airship.
:[ When trying to get back on before talking to Cresento ]
- OmniDrink suffers from the same unquenchable thirst for knowledge as myself. They simply want to know what is out there.
- Then it is agreed! Climb the ladder, board my airship, and when your journey is at its end return here to tell me what you have seen.
:[ Quest received ]
- [Loading screen text below, = progress bar reached end, captions stuff are lines that you may or may not receive]
- Whatever do you mean? OmniDrink's only fault is the same as my own: an unquenchable thirst for knowledge!
- Cost? You mistake me. Thanks to our friends with the OmniDrink Amalgamated Heavy Manufacturing Concern the airship is free to all Gaians! I ask only that you indulge me with the tale of your adventure.