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| - Galnorn is a smob found with Ilsae in the village of Lockshear. They are presumably a darkfriend Warder-pair. Galnorn does not perform the warder "disarm" related attack, but is still highly aggressive towards human players. They will assist shadowspawn and they are one of the strongest darkside patrols found in the game. Darkside players have enjoyed significant success baiting humans into attacking them at Ilsae-Galnorn only to be surprised by the strength of the patrol and the speed at which darkside reinforcements arrive. A shadowspawn patrol of two fades and four ramshorned trollocs is found just outside the pair's room and humans fighting inside their compound will frequently have to address the leadable ramshorned within the complex.
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| - a full metal helmet and visor
- a gold crown
- a pair of ebony-steel plate vambraces
- a pair of thick metal boots
- a pair of thin metal leggings
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| - Back
- Feet
- Head
- Body
- Inventory
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| - At first glance this medium-sized man appears like any other softening man of
middle years. There is a well fleshed sleek look to him and a babyish quality
to his face. Yet when this dark-clothed man moves, there is a ripplying quality
about his graceful motions that speaks of hidden power. A nearly transparent
sheen surounds Galnorn, some weave of the one power is helping shield him.
| - Galnorn the dark myrmidon lounges in the shadows.
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| - Galnorn is a smob found with Ilsae in the village of Lockshear. They are presumably a darkfriend Warder-pair. Galnorn does not perform the warder "disarm" related attack, but is still highly aggressive towards human players. They will assist shadowspawn and they are one of the strongest darkside patrols found in the game. Darkside players have enjoyed significant success baiting humans into attacking them at Ilsae-Galnorn only to be surprised by the strength of the patrol and the speed at which darkside reinforcements arrive. A shadowspawn patrol of two fades and four ramshorned trollocs is found just outside the pair's room and humans fighting inside their compound will frequently have to address the leadable ramshorned within the complex. Galnorn and Ilsae are presumably a darkfriend rent and known darkfriends have been known to seek shelter in their room.