| - Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- The Comanche are a nation of Native Americans who lived mostly in north Texas, Oklahoma and eastern New Mexico at the time of the arrival of Europeans. Today, the Comanche Nation consists of approximately 14,105 members, about half of whom live in Oklahoma, and the remainder are concentrated in Texas, California, and New Mexico.
- Comanche is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Native Council.
- The Comanche are a native American people from the Southern and South-Western United States. As an aircraft name, Comanche may be:
* the Piper PA-24
* the Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66
* Boeing 307 c/n 1996 in service with TWA
- Die Comanchen sind ein Stamm der Indianer von der Erde. Fähnrich Dawson Walking Bear ist ein Comanche. 2270 ist er mit der Geschichte seines Volkes gut vertraut. (TAS: )
- Ensign Walking Bear was a Comanche. He was well versed in his people's history. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
- Comanche was a fellow prisoner of Carl Lucas during his time serving at Seagate Prison.
- The Comanche are available as allies on the Great Plains, Rockies, Texas, and Ozarks maps. Once a Trading Post is built at their camp, a player can recruit Comanche Horse Archers and research available upgrades.
- Dawson Walking Bear, enseigne à bord de l'USS Enterprise au 23ème siècle, était d'origine Comanche. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
- The Comanche are a barbarian nation in the Conquer the World campaign, named after the Native American tribe of the southern Great Plains. The Comanche became a separate and distinct entity around the 1700s CE, when they broke off from the Shoshone after acquiring horses from the Pueblo. This increased mobility allowed the Comanche to search for better hunting grounds more efficiently, and develop a renown horse culture, forming powerful bands of lethal mounted warriors. From then on the Comanche bands, who never formed a single cohesive tribal unit, would nonetheless unite in a formidable force that captured thousands of Spanish, American and Mexican settlers, and even brought the Mexican State to the [[Wikipedia:Comanche%E2%80%93Mexico_Wars|brink of destruction]] in its mighty wake.