| - The young Time Lord walked through the battle field. It was full of broken Dalek travelmachines and dead Time Lords. He knew the war had ended. The Time Lord had listened at the door, while the General was talking to the Doctor. He knew Gallifrey was trapped in a Pocket Universe. As he walked through the battlefield, he stepped on a Dalek. "Ex..." the Dalek said, but he passed out. "I wish I was the Doctor." the young Time Lord, looking 16 (Human age), said, "Then I wouldn't be trapped here. If I could just get out and travel with him in his TARDIS... Or steal his TARDIS... Or steal his identity." Then, an older Time Lord came out of a building. "The finale battler is over." he said. "Not for me!" the young Time Lord replied, "My war has only just begon. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at the older Time Lord. "Why?" the older Time Lord asked, "The war is over. The finale battle has ended. There is only peace for the Time Lords." "Not for a renegade one." the younger one asnwered, "My war has only just started. He shot the other Time Lord, and walked away. Rassilon's TARDIS is the strongest one ever, he thought. He walked to a big palace. The guards were both dead. Then, the young Time Lord heard Rassilon's voice. "Take the Master to prison." Rassilon shouted, "Tomorrow he will be put on trail." Two guards took a man outside. It was the Master. He had passed out. The young Time Lord walked on. He saw Rassilon and another Time Lord. "Are you alright?" the other Time Lord asked. "Yes." Rassilon replied. The young Time Lord walked on. He entered a room, were a big TARDIS was standing. "Rassilon's TARDIS." the young Time Lord whispered to himself. He pushed the doors, and to his suprise, they opened. He walked to the console. When the war started, he was learned how to fly a TARDIS, and he seemed to be a professional. He pressed buttons, and pulled levers. The TARDIS took off. "This TARDIS has enough power to rip a very small entrance between a Pocket Universe and the real world." the young Time Lord said, "That's strange, it looks like there has been a crack in the universe. There might be a small thing left of it, and- Found it! With this TARDIS's enourmes power, and the leftover of the... What is it? The monitor says a Time Field. Let's get through." Sparks flew of the controlpanel, and the whole TARDIS shaked. Then... "I'm through!" the Time Lord shouted, "Now will be my victory. I will rule everything!"