| - Those two words are the first ones spoken in this episode; by Nox on the Admonitor's new holo-deck. The crew of both ships have run into a rather slow spot: there haven't been any assaults or attacks made against their ship and they finally have the time to rest and recuperate. But that's the last thing Nox is doing. He, Smith, Loghri, Rookwood, Krall, Werner and K'Ragdha are participating in a holo-reenactment of the Battle of Caleb IV. The group, fighting with the Klingons, have taken a portion of the Federation outpost, but the MACOs have come in to the defense of the remaining portion. The group puts up a very good fight, with three groups of two covering Loghri as he leads the charge against the Federation. But Rookwood suddenly collapses, causing Nox to break rank to see what's wrong. They fail the simulation and all of them are upset with Nox for making a blunder "even worse than Jenkins ever did." Nox waits until they are all out of the holo-deck before asking her again what happened. She replies that she needs only to visit Sick Bay, which he obliges. On her way to the transporter, she collapses, crying out for something to stop. Clarke happens to be the only one in the vicinity who hears this.