| - The Children are a unique variety of darkspawn birthed by the Mother.
- As a Female (Character) player, you can have children. Each child gives you an extra Forest fight per day. If you are married in-game to another player, that male player also gains this extra FF per day. If you are unmarried, or married to Seth the Bard, then only you get the extra FF.
- Some are actually humans that are in the juvenile stage of development, but some are horrible demons. For kids ages 2-13, you better watch out!
- Throughout the exploration of the Port of Adia, Joshua Fireseed was given the task of finding and rescuing four children before leaving. Their ultimate fate is unknown, but once they're rescued, they're safe.
- When two adults of the opposite gender go indoors, the mother might come out with an infant. As the children age, different things will happen.
* Newborn to 2 years - They are nursed by their mother.
* 3 years old to 14 years - They keep a child-like attitude and perform activities, in which some can benefit the tribe.
* 14 years old to 18 years - They can begin to contribute to the tribe by working. By the age of 18 years, the children are counted as adults and are allowed to reproduce.
- Children (plural of "child") Children are just short adults. There are different variations of children (dependant on their usefulness) and this article will attempt to clarify those nuances.
- Children is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean. Children's pirate name refers to his favorite band Children of Bodom. He has also named his crew after the band: COBHC (Children of Bodom Hate Crew).
- The Children were seen tipping cows over at night in the video game, where the player had to shoot tomatoes at them to stop them from tipping the cows over, and even get bonus points from Joey and the gophers. You even get to shoot the coyotes. Later on, Otis, the Jersey Cows, and the player followed them to their house to see where they live, and the mission is to follow them a distance. Don't get too close, or they will see that they're cows. Don't get too far, or they will lose them. After that, Otis and the Jersey Cows snuck inside of one of their houses, and introduced the child to "boy tipping". They nearly woke everyone in the neighborhood, so they had to get out of there fast.
- Some special safety precautions to consider when there are young children in the house
* gates at the top of stairs
* plugs in unused electrical outlets
* testing the rails on any steps or decks to make sure they aren't the size a small child could get his or her head stuck in between the bars
* removing or locking up materials, like cleaning supplies or medicines, that can be poisonous
* removing or changing cords so they are not a strangling danger For a related article, see baby proofing.
- There may have been children in the beta version of the game, because when reading an urban females mind, she may say, "Now where did I leave my kids?" Sometimes an urban male may say, "Damn kids, never wanted them anyway." The closest thing to children in the game are teenagers.
- While many children can be found in buildings or wandering around towns, many reside at Honorhall Orphanage. With the installation of the The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire expansion pack, children become available for adoption by the Dragonborn and their spouse. Without the use of console commands, exploits, or glitches, all children are invincible, unable to be harmed, killed, knocked unconscious, or pickpocketed. Because of this, they are flagged as essential characters.
- The Children are minor characters in the Cat Facer series.They appear only in Episode 1 and Episode 10.All they do is cheer and shout at Cat Face, with negative responses from him.
- He is the son of JR Chandler and Babe Carey. He is now a teenager in the online reboot, 2013-present. He has a crush on Miranda Montgomery.
- Children are silly little fnurdles (except for the fact that they don't like in technology boxes). They enjoy ruining everyone's lives while trying to make everything better at the same time. They live in these things called houses. What are houses, I wonder? WHAT ARE HOUSES? I mean, seriously, WTF are these things? Front door? Kitchen? Stairwell? Loft conversion? I hate daytime television.
- Children is a race of creature in the Fire Civilization. __TOC__
- Children can sometimes be troublesome if they are fed the rubbish that conservatives tell them. Also, some people have been known to say "Children are a problem," prior to making children themselves.
- Children are only found in easy mode. Image:Crying child.jpg No!I need more! This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- "Hi! I'm your son. Betcha didn't recognize me." — The player's son upon growing from a baby to a child. "Hello. I'm your daughter you know. I'm all grown up now." — The player's daughter upon growing from a baby to a child. Children are a type of villager first introduced in Fable.
- Children and pregnancies are both regular topics on Lost. __TOC__
- If a Garou mates with another Garou, the offspring is a Metis, the deformed outcasts of society. Thus such a union is forbidden by the Litany, the Garou Law. Garou instead must mate with either humans or wolves. Not all of their children are Garou -- indeed, only about one in ten are of the blood. The rest are known as Kinfolk, immune to the Delirium, yet unable to transform. Those that are Garou, however, experience the first change around puberty. They are then quickly kidnapped into Garou Society, and taught the Way. They will undergo a Rite of Passage before entering fully into Garou Society, often a deadly and harsh ceremony. Lately, more and more adults have been found of the blood that have repressed it. These Lost Cubs are actively sought out, and there is always great joy upon fi
- The name Children is an informal name given to the collective of individuals who follow Elizabeth Borden in her exploits. They are not always mutants, but the majority of them are. They work for Elizabeth Borden due to her end goal, which is the consolidation of power under her banner. They have shown loyalty to her, even when they work with other organizations, which is a key component of how they acquire power.
- I've never liked children. I never really knew why; I have seen them so many times. I decided to contemplate it for a while. I think it stems down to innocence; not that I'm jealous of their innocence, but rather that I pity them for it. Children are full of potential. They could grow up to be anything they want, until life sets in, and society crushes their spirits; their dreams become splintered, their hopes broken into shards. It's strange that one would pity such a small creature, but I suppose I just have a soft spot for the blind and weak. "No."
- In several Ultima games killing children was put in by Richard Garriott. Ultima V has a dungeon room where you find children locked in cages. Pull a lever, and the children rush out and attack you. The game causes you to lose points in the virtue valor if you ever run from battle, so you have to kill them to prevent that from happening. One reviewer found this and complained. Richard Garrott stated in The Official Book of Ultima that his own mother called him up to ask him to just take it out of the game. He refused.