| - Spider-Man hallucinates while chained down by the True Believers, inspiring him to summon the strength to break free. As Spidey battles the True Believers and Delilah, Stunner offers to take his place as the life-essence in the resurrection ceremony. Meanwhile, Black Tarantula tells Madame Qwa that Zei and the Believers assist the Rose only to tantalize him with success before crushing him. Meanwhile at ESU, Chesbro eavesdrops on MJ, her friend Shantal, and her professor Marina Caches. In the ceremony, Carolyn orders Stunner back into her own body, simultaneously downloading Ock's memories into his mind. In the backlash, Stunner dissolves, Zei dies, and Angelina's VR Matrix blows up. Spidey defeats Delilah just as the original Dr. Octopus bursts through the wall.