| - write the introduction here
- Ze droppen hetzelfde, meeste mensen gaan daar naartoe voor geld te maken. Stealing Creation is een populaire plaats voor black unicorns. Daar lopen er ongeveer 5. Ze zitten in het westen van de Stealing Creation. Ze zijn daar 27. Ze zijn of op de heuvel of in het bos ernaast. De drops zijn nu: 100%: Unicorn Horn en:Black unicorn Categorie:Monsters
- The Black Unicorn is a limited edition animal available on FarmVille. It was released on the October 26th, 2011, as part of the Halloween Event (2011), available for purchase from the market for and File:XP-icon.png experience.
- {| class="box message padded colored bordered type-basic" |- | class="cell-icon-35" | Image:Wikipedia-logo.png | class="text-medium" | This article uses Creative Commons licensed content from [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]]'s Gundam_Unicorn article. The list of authors can be seen in the page history there. |} Black Unicorn is the fifth episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.
- Black unicorn on agressiivinen Unicornin versio. Ne hyökkäävät kimppuusi vaikka olisit minkä tasoinen tahansa. Ne ovat helppo tapa saada Unicorn horneja, sillä ne palautuu pian takaisin kun olet tappanut ne. Joskus ne voivat juosta pakoon kun niiden elämänpisteet ovat alhaiset, mutta tämä on kuitenkin harvinaista. Ne ovat 27-vompattisia ja poikaset 22.ja sen sarvista saa noin 2.5k Tiedosto:Black Unicorn.png Luokka:Hirviöt en:Black unicorn
- This sword can be obtained by looting any of the following:
* a treasure chest guarded by a water hag, north-northwest along the coast from the Inn at the Crossroads
* the remains of Kernun
- Black unicorns are fiendish versions of their good unicorn brethren, magically created by the Red Wizards of Thay. They have become prominent in the armies of Thay, serving as elite cavalry. Black unicorns will only allow human or drow females of an evil alignment to ride them. It is believed they particularly enjoy serving Blackguards.
- Black Unicorn (1991) is the first novel of The Unicorn Series by Tanith Lee. [[Image:|30px]] This article about a by Tanith Lee is a . You can help Tanith Lee Wiki by [/index.php?stub&title=Black_Unicorn&action=edit expanding it].
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Much as the Children of Gaia have two elders - an Arm of the Goddess (male) and a Voice of the Goddess (female) - so to is there a different side of the healing Unicorn tribal totem of the Children: Black Unicorn (or "Unicorn's Shadow"). Black Unicorn is a totem of War, but from a time when war was pure and honorable, before even a time when "civilized" battles involved lining up troops on battlefields and taking alternating turns shooting volleys at one another. Cunning has no place with Black Unicorn: Nobility and chivalry are everything - especially the defense of the innocent.
- The black unicorn is a slightly more dangerous version of the unicorn. These creatures are aggressive to all level players when in the Wilderness, but are low-levelled, so they won't affect high levelled players much. They are a very easy way to obtain unicorn horns in decent quantities, as they are present in greater numbers than normal unicorns. They also have a faster spawn rate and tend to walk around quite a bit in their area, and will sometimes run away when their health is low. Unicorn horns are an easy source for wealth, so hunting them is a popular activity.
- Black unicorns are monsters found in the eastern Wilderness. These are commonly killed for their unicorn horns by players training herblore or looking to sell the horns for profit. There are many in the area and no need to wait for spawns, making it a popular place to hunt them. It would be a good idea to bring Varrock teleportation runes for quick escape (Level 25 magic required) if a PKer should come, and for faster banking. If you're high enough level, you can bring only a weapon, leaving more inventory space for unicorn horns.
- It is one of the Rebel Black Saints who were under the command of Ikki. He along with Black Lionet, Black Wolf, Black Hydra and Black Bear .The black also had the mission of seizing the Sagittarius Cloth and kill the Bronze Saints. When Seiya and company faced the Black Saints.Black Unicorn and others also had problems with these.
- Black unicorns are monsters in ADOM. They are notable for being evasive and hardy, for frequently teleporting, and for having a considerably powerful melee attack. They also regenerate quickly. They tend not to make an appearance in dungeons until the mid-late game (although they may appear in the Dwarven Halls at any time); and appear in the wilderness once the PC has reached level 25.
- The black unicorn is a slightly more dangerous version of the Unicorn. These creatures are aggressive to all level players when in the Wilderness, but are low-levelled, so they won't affect high levelled players much. They are a very easy way to obtain Unicorn horns in decent quantities, as they are present in greater numbers than basic unicorns. They also have have a faster spawn rate and tend to walk around quite a bit in their area, and will sometimes run away when their health is low. Their attack consists of what looks to be a Fire Blast shooting from their horn. There is usually a small number of black unicorn foals mixed into the herd. The foals rarely drop unicorn horns.