| - The Rainbow Factory is the central setting of the grim-dark My Little Pony fan-fiction of the same name, which in turn was inspired by an older song by Glaze, AKA WoodenToaster. Said song implied that the Cloudsdale "Rainbow Factory" is much darker than portrayed on the show, but left all details to the listener's imagination. The fanfic has grown to overshadow the song in popularity, so much that certain readers presume the song was inspired by the fanfic, instead of the contrary. In the fanfic, the Rainbow Factory is envisioned as a Fascist, hidden death-camp. The Cloudsdale society does not tolerate poor fliers, therefore all young pegasi who fail their flight test are allegedly "deported". However, what most of Cloudsdale's citizens don't know is that in reality, they are taken to be turned into Spectra (rainbow fuel) via a torturous machine (the Pegasus Device) which grinds them into dust and drains their colors, which are used to produce this gruesome "rainbow". The fan-fiction also includes a psychopathic Rainbow Dash as one of the Factory's top executives and the main villain of the story, opposing the escape of a group of young pegasi (including Scootaloo) who wind up in the Factory after failing their flight test. Due to the extremely dark nature of the fan-fiction, the Rainbow Factory not only never got shut down but Cloudsdale never even got to learn about its existence. Despite the main characters heroic efforts to escape and/or defeat the system, this Factory still exists and continues its genocidal ways.