モルト、よくやった。新たな友情の環を紡ぎ、それによって憎しみの連鎖を断ち切ったのだな...。お前の父にして我が最大の友、キールの仇を撃ってくれて、ありがとう。 Malt, you've done well. The spinning of a new friendship ring thereby... you cut off the chain of hate. My best friend was your father, Kill, and now he has been avenged, thank you. —Fiddich, Explosive Master
モルト! すべての苦しみと悲しみの根源は、ザ=デッドマンだ。お前が、その苦しみと悲しみの連鎖を断ち切れ! Malt! The root of all of this suffering and sorrow, The=Deadman, Dragon Edge. You are the one to cut the chain of suffering and sorrow! -Fiddich, Explosive Master