| - The Crowcrown was the crown of the Prince of Crahia, fashioned of jade to look as a crow taking off. The crow is an important symbol of Crahia, which is so named for the Sefenlander word for "crow shit," after the Crow or Stone Sky. Afterwards, Ristt Blot made himself a royal guard, and called them his Crowncrows, giving them each jade crow crowns.
| - The Crowcrown was the crown of the Prince of Crahia, fashioned of jade to look as a crow taking off. The crow is an important symbol of Crahia, which is so named for the Sefenlander word for "crow shit," after the Crow or Stone Sky. When Ristt Blot declared himself King of Crahia, he had the "original" Crowcrown destroyed. However, most will say that the original Crowcrown was shattered by Queen Settes Messoloriha, called "the Mother of Madness." The second Crowcrown was said to have been destroyed by Ristt Blot when he slew Prince-Eater, who had eaten it and him who wore it, Prince Baash Messoloriha. The third Crowcrown was destroyed when Ristt smashed his newfound halberd into the head of the Viceroy of Crahia, Benro Saal. Afterwards, Ristt Blot made himself a royal guard, and called them his Crowncrows, giving them each jade crow crowns.