| - The Darklight Sith use the Heart of the Guardian crystal (Bronze with a yellow core) in their lightsabers. The Heart of the Guardian is an ancient crystal which has separate beliefs from the Jedi and Sith both. It is believed that it was involved in the founding of the Jedi Order. However, it came out to be part of the Sith's heritage instead. According to prophecies of the Jedi Order, the Heart would appear at the time of greatest turmoil and help in bringing the galaxy into salvation. The Sith believed it to be an object that would have brought about their domination of known space, which wasn't the case. The formation of the Darklight Sith is unknown, but were discovered in 3,951 BBY by the Jedi Exile, who went in search of Revan into the Unknown Regions. The Ebon Hawk crashed beyond repair, and the Darklight Sith pulled her out from the wreckage. She was assumed dead, but the faction two years later brought her back to life. Though, the time of formation is unknown, the birthplace of this faction is said to be in the heart of Korriban. Ironically enough, that was also the birthplace of the Sith in general. Strangely, the Darklight Sith aren't known by the Jedi Order, but are by the Sith Emperor. Most of the Sith divisions don't even know of them either, as Darklighters tend to hide in the shadows and hide their presence. They tend to prefer it that way. They are the "True Sith" that Kreia (Darth Traya) mentioned to the Jedi Exile after their battle at Malachor V during The Dark Wars. There are many things that we know that no one else does, not even your most honorable Jedi Masters. We hide in the shadows of the galaxy, and oversee everything that goes on in Republic space. Those dirty little secrets that you think are well kept and locked away and hidden, we know of them. We know all of them.—Overheard from a Sith Darklighter The Darklight Sith aided the Jedi Exile in her search for Revan. They started by making her a Darklighter, and already have prepared and built her a new ship, the Ebon Phoenix. The Ebon Phoenix was a highly improved version of the Ebon Hawk, nearly twice it's size and had many interesting additions. Including the all new droid interface, and the improved lightspeed and weaponry. It was a finesse ship at best, the ultimate smuggler's ship. It was built from the remnants of the Ebon Hawk and many ships that crashed into the Unknown Regions, including a Star Destroyer and a Basilisk War Droid. It also detects the missing ancient Sith holocrons from the different planets the Exile had to visit to find the information to get to Revan. These planets include Korriban, Coruscant, Telos, Onderon, and Kashyyyk.