| - Crocomire es un jefe de Super Metroid, habitando en la zona de Norfair en el planeta Zebes.
- While young stokes often breathe gouts of flame, full-grown adults will spit fireballs instead, although how this is done has never been researched, at least not by the Galactic Federation. They also have sharp claws that they will often rake at closer opponents.
- en:Crocomire Crocomire ist ein Zwischengegner aus Super Metroid. Sobald man ihn besiegt kann man den Grapple Beam finden.
- thumb|230px Crocomire (クロコマイヤー) est un personnage de la série Metroid ainsi que l'un des demi-boss du jeu Super Metroid. Son repaire se situe dans les profondeurs de Norfair, sur le chemin menant au Rayon Grappin.
- Crocomire is a creature in the SNES video game Super Metroid, the third title in the Metroid series. It's a large red species with six arms and legs that could only be killed in the game by falling into lava. Samus Aran would be able to do this by shooting enough missiles into its mouth, each time making it scoot back a little more. Eventually it would fall in the lava, which would thus burn all of its skin, leaving only a set of bones. Once you did so, the skull of the creature would be shot into a previously blocking wall, destroying, and thus allowing you to move on.
- The Crocomire (クロコマイヤー Kurokomaiyā) is a miniboss in Super Metroid. It is found in Norfair on the way to finding the Grapple Beam. The Crocomire cannot be killed by conventional means. Samus's weapons, such as Missiles, Super Missiles, and the Charge Beam shot into the mouth only succeed in making the beast take several steps backward, depending on the power of the weapon. When not being attacked, it sluggishly lumbers forward. Curiously, if a Power Bomb is used against it, the Crocomire will become enraged and charge forward much further compared to when it is not under attack.