| - A design first manufactured in the orbital shipyards of the famed Voss Forge World, the Endeavour-class Light Cruiser has a markedly different mission profile from the far more common Dauntless-class Light Cruiser. Given its relatively slow speed and heavier armour, the Endeavour is typically used as a stop-gap ship of the line, convoy flagship or Battleship Escort in large, set-piece naval battles. The captains of Endeavour-class vessels must be careful not to bite off more than they can chew, for the ship lacks the firepower of a true Cruiser, yet often finds itself in confrontations better suited to vessels of that type. Several Endeavours serve in the Imperial Navy's Battlefleet Calixis that protects the Calixis Sector, as there is proportionately less need for true ships of the line;
| - A design first manufactured in the orbital shipyards of the famed Voss Forge World, the Endeavour-class Light Cruiser has a markedly different mission profile from the far more common Dauntless-class Light Cruiser. Given its relatively slow speed and heavier armour, the Endeavour is typically used as a stop-gap ship of the line, convoy flagship or Battleship Escort in large, set-piece naval battles. The captains of Endeavour-class vessels must be careful not to bite off more than they can chew, for the ship lacks the firepower of a true Cruiser, yet often finds itself in confrontations better suited to vessels of that type. Several Endeavours serve in the Imperial Navy's Battlefleet Calixis that protects the Calixis Sector, as there is proportionately less need for true ships of the line; many routine patrols in that Sector and others consist of an Endeavour accompanied by a pair of Frigates. The Endeavour-class, lacking the speed for anti-pirate operations, is preferred as a convoy flagship or a heavy Escort to larger capital ships of the line. Its heavy gun batteries can almost match the firepower of larger, true Cruisers and it is capable of holding its own in the midst of a pitched battle. Many Endeavour-class Light Cruisers were sent to Battlefleet Armageddon during the latest Ork invasion of that strategic Hive World in 998.M41, where, during fighting against Ork vessels, the Endeavour’s relative slow speed for its class was not found to be a hindrance. The Endeavour, and its sister vessels, became a staple of Battlefleet Armageddon as replacements for ships lost to the Greenskins.