| - The most basic of the Reyvateil enemies in the game. Ironically, these Reyvateils have higher across the board than those of the Sacred Soldiers that also make an appearance in the Rakshek Resort. Their abilities are Cheer Wave, which heals a bit of the enemy party's HP, and Minor Song, which is a two-turn skill that launches a relatively weak Song Magic blast. Like the Sacred Soldiers, these are first enemies found in the game, and thus they shouldn't prove too difficult to defeat, also shown by the fact that the first battle in the game is against one of these Reyvateils, and having Croix alone in the party. It has to be noted, however, that the stats for this enemy don't apply to the IPDs found throughout the game: each of the 100 IPDs present in Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica has her own stats and skill sets, so it would be advisable to check the List of IPDs if the player needs to look information on a specific one.