When most people see a Gamorrean, they think of big, porcine humanoids that are only good for menial tasks at best. Most people would be right, but not many people would think that of Grr'ash. A reasonably successful trader in building materials, Grr'ash amassed a small fortune trading on the Outer Rim colonies and would spend his gains quite lavishly. Only a fine starship and the best clothing, wares and slaves would please his lust for the high-life.
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| - When most people see a Gamorrean, they think of big, porcine humanoids that are only good for menial tasks at best. Most people would be right, but not many people would think that of Grr'ash. A reasonably successful trader in building materials, Grr'ash amassed a small fortune trading on the Outer Rim colonies and would spend his gains quite lavishly. Only a fine starship and the best clothing, wares and slaves would please his lust for the high-life.
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| - Father, Mother, Two younger sisters
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| - Knight Ulmiq Sol, Master Holt Mo'in
| - When most people see a Gamorrean, they think of big, porcine humanoids that are only good for menial tasks at best. Most people would be right, but not many people would think that of Grr'ash. A reasonably successful trader in building materials, Grr'ash amassed a small fortune trading on the Outer Rim colonies and would spend his gains quite lavishly. Only a fine starship and the best clothing, wares and slaves would please his lust for the high-life. Not many were aware that his insatiable appetites included trading slaves on the side, not even a Twi'lek clan leader who enjoyed the odd high-stakes game of Sabacc. Across the table, a Gamorrean would generally be an easy mark due to their reputation as a slow and dim-witted species. So when the Ani clan leader came home with his head in hands and a sizable debt on his shoulders, trading his eldest daughter seemed like a sensible way to help manage it. Young and fairly beautiful, she was eagerly snatched up by Grr'ash as a down-payment on the debt and bought the clan leader time to gather the rest. Big is beautiful to Gamorreans and Grr'ash was no exception, so he was pleased that a genetic mutation on the female side of the Ani clan had gifted Tayla with a larger bust than most as well as considerably long head-tails. It wasn't enough though. He decided to keep her as his own instead of selling her off, so he set about educating her in the ways of slavery. Her long, slender legs were good tools for instilling discipline at first, as they broke so easily in his application of strength. She quickly learned her place, yet to keep her sweet and docile these punishment sessions needed to be continued. His insatiability took on a new edge as he found himself enjoying these torture sessions. Over time, he grew to be more creative. Her screams of pain were growing boring, so he had to think up new and exciting ways to punish his favourite slave. His favourite was to tie her hands behind her back and raise her up in a rope sling until she could only balance on her toes. Force pikes were a good tool and he found it satisfying to shock her on increasing settings when she was in so vulnerable a position. Big is beautiful though, so he hired an illegal doctor to 'alter' her to enhance his favourite punishment. It amused him greatly to watch her look on in horror as she screamed in pain from the cocktails of drugs that he had injected into her, only to have her weight cause her agony from being suspended from the ceiling of her cell. She spent many nights almost hanging from the ceiling as drool ran from her mouth to drip on the floor, her body aching from the beatings and shocks. She would often pass out in a drug-induced stupor though and that was inconvenient during one of his punishment sessions.