| - Afterlife was the name given to an Inhuman settlement.
- Afterlife usually refers to "life after death", "eternal life", or something of the like of the soul. The soul is believed to be the spiritual part of the body that, as stated above, will live forever in the afterlife. The painful truth is that people sometimes feel deep-down that when they die, they are gone forever. Therefore, they make up things like an afterlife as a form of willful ignorance so that they don't have to think about their ultimate fate.
- The afterlife (also referred to as life after death, or Hereafter), in philosophy, religion, and mythology, is the concept of a realm, or the realm itself (whether physical or transcendental), in which an essential part of an individual's identity or consciousness continues to reside after the death of the body in the individual's lifetime. According to various ideas of the afterlife, the essential aspect of the individual that lives on after death may be some partial element, or the entire soul, of an individual, which carries with it and confers personal identity. Belief in an afterlife, which may be naturalistic or supernatural, is in contrast to the belief in eternal oblivion after death.
- The Afterlife is a term for what happens after a person dies. Generally, the spirit goes on to the spirit world. A person can still be conscious after they die. Sometimes they wonder what happened, and some even may not know they are dead for awhile. Some spirits are afraid to cross over and face judgment. These are the ghosts that haunt various places. When a spirit does cross over, often they will meet their loved ones and God. They may go to Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, or be reincarnated to evolve their Soul so they can climb higher in the spiritual planes. __NOEDITSECTION__
- "Afterlife" is a short story originally published in the "summer reading" issue (#56) of Tin House magazine in June of 2013. It was also published in the short story collection The Bazaar of Bad Dreams.
- It is, alongside human teenagers who have been brought there, inhabited by beings which have been dubbed NPCs (Non Player Characters) by Yuri, as they make look and act human, but in reality they have no souls.
- The afterlife is a place where the souls of the dead go after being reaped by their realm's Death. The afterlife that the deceased goes to depends on what the departed considers to be their home, with each world having its own afterlife. The souls of Gielinorians go there after being reaped from their bodies by Harold Death, ferried over the River Noumenon by a boatman and guided through the Grim Underworld by Icthlarin, in that order. The Fremennik are an exception, having two different underworlds of their own.
- To believe in the Afterlife is to believe that death is not the end of a person's lifespan. Christians beleive in the afterlife—Heaven. The Bible is specific: that God created Heaven and that is where certain people's Afterlife takes place.
- Afterlife is a 1996 simulation game by LucasArts.
- Nieznane. Architektura podobna do chińskiej.
- The afterlife is where people go to when they die.
- Afterlife is a technology that can only be researched at the temple once Iron Age is developed. It is researched at the temple and it costs . Once researched, all priests receive +3 range.
- Afterlife is a passive monk ability learned at level 26 for those with the Windwalker specialization. It creates a healing sphere on the ground anytime monks kill an enemy that grants XP or honor. Conversely, if monks slay an enemy with [Blackout Kick], there is a 50% chance to summon a chi sphere instead.
- The afterlife is generally a place people believe the spirit of a living thing goes when the body dies. Religions and spiritual groups have individual depictions (Christianity has heaven, Necromongers have the Underverse).
- The Afterlife is the term used to refer to the various beliefs and philosophies believed by those around the world of Daventry. Many of them may actually exist.
- Das Afterlife ist ein Nachtclub auf der Raumstation Omega in den Terminus-Systemen. Es dient gleichzeitig als eine Art Stützpunkt für Aria T'Loak.
- As Robert Gonzales makes his move, Coulson must do whatever it takes to protect the future of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Meanwhile, Skye’s journey to control her powers takes a surprising turn when she meets the enigmatic Inhuman named Lincoln.
- The Afterlife was a tear in the fabric of the Force created by Darth Kullic so that he could live even after killed. He survived here, meditating on the Dark Side of the Force and learning what he could from every Sith Lord before and after him until Jedi Master Mosak Jos found a way inside in 78 ABY. The two of them dueled long and hard but eventually Kullic was overcome and was destroyed once and for all.
- Afterlife (來世 Lai Shi, translated as "Next Life") was an Inhuman settlement.
- Afterlife is a medal that can be earned in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It is awarded in competitive game types when the player kills a member of the opposing team after being killed. With the Siege Expansion Pack, getting 50 of these medals will also earn the Fallen Angel trophy.
- Afterlife plays on the Midnight Ocean. He is a fleet officer and drunk of the crew Everything Evil and lord of the flag Fire and Ice.
- Afterlife is whatever happens to an individual after the demise of their physical bodies. Several religions assume a reincarnation as a life-form as one knows during life. Others assume reincarnation into another form of existence on the same world. Finally, the predominant religions of today assume a reincarnation into another plane of existence, of which there are usually two - one good, one bad - although they may have various layers.
- The Afterlife made a short appearance in "Act II Part 3" of Stupid Mario Brothers: The Movie.
- Proprio come l'isola questo posto li fa riflettere sulla loro vita e sulle scelte che hanno fatto in passato. Le esperienze passate nei Flash-Sideways—Dolore, perdita di coscienza, Deja vu e situazioni di quasi morte—li aiuta a ricordare le loro vite. Connessi con un particolare significato, spesso uno di amore, ricordano tutto e sono pronti ad "andare avanti" verso il mondo successivo.
- Afterlife – specjalny stan występujący na mapie Mob of the Dead. Służy on do uruchamiania obiektów wymagających energii elektrycznej takich, jak maszyny Perk-a-Cola i niektóre przejścia. Do stanu Afterlife można przejść na dwa sposoby. Pierwszym z nich jest użycie jednej ze skrzynek elektrycznych rozmieszczonych na mapie. Drugim sposobem jest śmierć gracza, która spowoduje dodatkowo utratę wszystkich perków. Powrót do normalnego stanu odbywa się poprzez reanimację gracza. Podczas Afterlife gracz porusza się szybciej i skacze wyżej. Oprócz tego może on przechodzić przez niektóre ściany i razić prądem. Pozwala to na ładowanie Woltomierzy w celu uruchamiania obiektów oraz teleportowania na niewielki dystans trafionych prądem zombie. Mimo że podczas Afterlife gracz jest nieśmiertelny, zombie m
- Afterlife ist ein Computerspiel aus dem Genre der Wirtschaftssimulationen und wurde 1996 von LucasArts veröffentlicht. Das Ziel des Spiels ist es, einen Himmel und eine Hölle erfolgreich zu managen. Da die Seelen unterschiedlich tugendhaft beziehungsweise sündig waren und unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen angehören, sind sie auch ganz individuell zu behandeln. Manche bleiben für ewig, wo sie sind, manche reinkarnieren, andere wechseln mehrfach zwischen Himmel und Hölle. Aber von dem einzelnen Schicksal der Seelen erfährt man an sich nichts, hat man es doch mit Tausenden bis Millionen Seelen zu tun. Aber beeinflussen kann man die Glaubensrichtung. Auch muss man zusehen, dass die Vermehrung auf dem dazu gehörenden Planeten nicht zurückgeht. Und weiter entwickeln sollen sie sich auch. Teuf
- Afterlife, auf Deutsch Jenseits, ist eine astrale Projektion und ein Zustand, den man auf Mob of the Dead thumb|Ein Spieler im Jenseitserreichen kann. Durch ihn kann man verschiedene Objekte aktivieren, die zuerst Strom benötigen, zum Beispiel Perk-a-Cola-Maschinen und manche Tore.
- A true Pastafarian (aka anyone who declares themselves a follower of FSM) will go to the Great Pasta Bowl to join Our Lord, the Ancient of Noodles, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. True Pastafarians will enjoy a volcano of beer (with all beverages, of course, including non-alcoholic ones for those who don't want to be permanently drunk). They will further enjoy a stripper factory for all eternity.
- It is part of a fractal series of flowers and petals that makes up a part of one of the flowers Godhead Pickle Inspector originally held. However, Black Hole Mobster Kingpin inadvertently destroyed the Afterlife when Death opened its door. This permanently destroyed the flower, for it did not reform when BHMK was defeated. It is safe to assume that the new Afterlife simply takes place on the second flower GPI holds. When a character in Problem Sleuth expires, they often appear in the Afterlife, where Death greets them and politely serves tea.
- The concept of an afterlife is a belief that an individual's consciousness, or soul, will continue to exist after his/her physical death. A number of Tau'ri believed that they would end up in heaven or hell after death, depending on their actions in life. (SG1: "The Nox", "Demons") The Jaffa believed that they would reside in a place called Kheb after their death if they were loyal to their "god" as well as Shol'va will suffer eternal damnation for their heresy. (SG1: "The Serpent's Venom", "Revelations")
- The afterlife is a term referring to the continual existence of the mind or soul after the death of the body. The Bajorans believed that after death they would join with the Prophets in the Celestial Temple. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Some Humans believed that depend on ones actions during life they could go to different afterlives, the worthy would be ascended to heaven while the rest would fall into the depths of hell. (TOS: "Space Seed") Klingons had a similar belief with honourable warriors going to Sto-Vo-Kor while the dishonoured went to Gre'thor. (VOY: "The Barge of the Dead")
- In the first (July) issue of the Creatures newsletter, Cyberlife had this to say on the topic of afterlife: Where do Norns go when they die? We have had several enquiries asking where Norns go when they die. At CyberLife, we like to think that Norns go to Silicon Heaven when they pass away. That sounds much nicer than "they just go to the big recycle bin in the sky". In Silicon Heaven, Norns live in a world without disease or Grendels. They can eat as much as they like without having to worry about which plants are safe to eat, and the Still is always overflowing. They can never grow old and can kiss and breed as much as they like. Silicon Heaven is run on a Cray Super Computer, with 2.7GB of RAM. This is a far cry from Silicon Hell (which is where the Grendels go). In Silicon Hell, poo
- The turian Gezian laughed with a quarian woman, Eczo nar Fagetzi, outside in an alley next to small resteraunt the had just been in for there tenth date. They had been togehter for five months and sex had yet to erupt between them. But now they had silently decided to taste a small slice of that now. Eczo began to peel off sections of her exo suit, revealing the germ blocking biofoam that covered her vagina, breast, and when sh tore of he helmet, her face.
- Afterlife is an astral projection game mechanic exclusive to Mob of the Dead. It allows the player to activate certain objects that need electricity, such as Perk-a-Cola machines and some gates. Afterlife can be accessed via pressing the 'use' button at a high voltage panel, or by dying through normal means (however, the latter will result in any perks being lost). The player can move much faster in Afterlife and jump further and higher, and zombies will not attack the player unless right next to them. The player can also use a short-ranged shock attack to activate Voltmeters to activate objects, as well as shock zombies to teleport them a small distance away.
- Ferengi tradition told that all life profit and loss statements were weighted. Worthy traders were sent to the Divine Treasury, the others to the Vault of Eternal Destitution. (DS9: "Little Green Men") Lurians brought gifts of food and drink for the deceased so they will have something to sustain them in the afterlife. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?") Klingon mythology taught that honorable warriors were sent to Sto-vo-kor when they die, while dishonorable ones were sent to Gre'thor. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead") The Vori believed in the Gloried Way After. (VOY: "Nemesis")
- Afterlife usually refers to "life after death", "eternal life", or something of the like of the soul. The soul is believed to be the spiritual part of the body that, as stated above, will live forever in the afterlife. The painful truth is that people sometimes feel deepdown that when they die, they are gone forever. Therefore, they make up things like an afterlife as a form of willful ignorance so that they don't have to think about their ultimate fate. Purgatory is the line in between, because there is always something in between.