| - Brendan (The Talkative Jock): Brendan is super nice. He loves engaging with others, and that's the reason why he does sports! He's not the best at them (he's by no means bad), but he loves the fact that he gets exposed to all sorts of people! He's also very energetic, gets excited easily, and never lets anything really get him down. Therefore, he tries to spread that good feeling around to others through conversation, but a lot of the type ends up annoying them with his hyperactivity and cheer. Brooke (The Sarcastic Stoic): Brooke lives to make others feel like they're less. Well, not on purpose (sometimes), but simply because she dislikes most people for totally valid reasons. That's pretty much it. She dislikes people and is not afraid to show it. Except, she doesn't really show it. She just hates without showing hatred. Funny! Right? Eli (The Intellectual Introvert): Eli is everyone man, woman, and animal's dream. He's handsome, and bright, and sometimes even modest. He was given a chance at a young age to achieve a top school, and made sure that opportunity was not wasted whatsoever. However, his devotion to his studies has caused him to lose some of his social graces; he's charismatic yes, but often talks over himself, stutters, and loses track of what he's trying to say. Overall, he hopes that coming on to Total Drama will aid him in improving his self-confidence and speaking skills. Harrison (The Introspective Nerd): Harrison has spent his whole life as a victim. Bullied for his weight, glasses, hair, and interests, he's no stranger to hardship. However, his struggles as a victim to bullying have made him stronger and he's learned to never give up. Thus, he's actually, perphaps, a bit confident in his skills. He's deduced that many are jealous of his skills in certain areas, and thus must mock his more unchangeable areas of his self. But that doesn't bother him anymore. He can see both logically and clearly, and manages to look past bias in some situations. However, his insecurities are still hidden deep under his mask of confidence, and if a cute girl shows him any sort of attention... he may become a hopeless romantice and be blinded by love. But in his mind, or rather his heart, why would any girl pay attention to him? Hazel (The Zen Vegetarian): Calm, cool, and collected. Each of these words could easily describe Hazel- she's zen and peaceful. As a result, she's also extremely passive, and often suffers from crueler hands than her own. She doesn't like violence or conflict, and therefore avoids it as best as she can. She's also a fierce vegetarian. Meat is murder, plain and simple. However, she likes to avoid conflict and is generally relaxed, so she never really calls anyone out for eating meat. She understands that people like meat, but if anyone ever tries to get her to eat meat... Well, she doesn't believe in violence, but let's just say she has her own way of getting her point across. Kaiser (The Eagle Scout): Kaiser is one of the most successful Eagle Scouts in his town, and thus lives a life of brotherhood, camaraderie, and hard work. He's skilled in knot-tying, tent-pitching, fire-making, and knitting. Although he's talented in many skills, Kaiser remains a humble being. Mainly because he lacks any major source of self-confidence. He loves taking charge, but then questions every decision he makes almost to the point where he's slowing everyone else down. Despite this, he's still devoted and passionate, and never gives up- even when he literally cannot make a choice. He will not stop until he chooses. Nellie (The Athletic Loner): Nellie is a loner by choice. She’s a little shy, sure, but for the most part she prefers to keep to herself. But that’s because she likes to think of herself as sort of a tough girl, doing karate and working out every morning. Who needs friends if you have muscle? At least, that's what she says to herself to convince her to stay in solitude. The truth is, she wants friends, but she has trouble making them and instead tries to perform a self-fulfilling prophecy. In order to make sure it's her choice she has no friends, she puts all of her time into working out and reading so that she never feels lonely. Rina (The Cold Analyst): Rina is calculating and cold. She has to analyze everything and make sure everything goes to plan. She’s anal and doesn’t hide it. However, she’s very self-aware, and knows how mercurial she can be. If something can get her another dollar, she’ll do it, as long as it doesn’t go below her standards. She works hard and makes sure that everything she does has a purpose. However, she does like to laugh, and likes even more to laugh at people. Her favorite past time is watching fat people falling off treadmills on YouTube, and occasionally she’ll go to the gym to try and see the real thing in person. Silas (The Preppy Man-Child): Silas is what some would call a snob. He's been raised in money- literally. His bed sheets were stiched from fifty-dollar bills (his parents would never waste hundreds, no!) and his biggest role model was his childhood nanny and maid, Carmelita. As a child, he got whatever he wanted, and as a teenager, the same held true. He believes he can get whatever he wants simply by asking for it. If someone denies him? Well, then they'll hear from his father!