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- Slapstick (Steve Harmon) is a superhero in the Marvel Universe and a living cartoon character.
- Slapstick is a form of comedy, that is exemplified as extreme excessive violence of the physical nature; in other words slapstick is not a easy type of comedy to master and may be dangerous if preformed incorrectly. Many people believe that Charlie Chaplin created this form of comedy.
- Slapstick is a type of Comedy involving exaggerated Violence and activities which may exceed the boundaries of common sense.
- Slapstick was a limited time short questline that was released on April 28, 2015 during the Terwilligers 2015 Event.
- Slapstick ist ein Filmgenre der Komödie, sie entwickelte sich aus der Commedia dell'arte und setzte vor allem auf die körperbetonte Situationskomik eines Schauspielers. Slapstick Kategorie:Überarbeitungsbedürftig
- "Slapstick" is the ninth episode of the third season of The Wire. The episode was written by David Simon from a story he co-wrote with George Pelecanos and was directed by Alex Zakrzewski. It originally aired on November 21, 2004.
- Its name comes from the slapstick of times long past, a clublike object which actors would hit each other with very loudly but in reality causing very little actual harm, thus letting the actors hit each other for a lot longer than as if they were really hitting each other with a heavy object. Many Warner Brothers cartoons incorporate slapstick into their shows.
- The phrase comes from the battacchio—called the 'slap stick' in English—a club-like object composed of two wooden slats used in Commedia dell'arte. When struck, the battacchio produces a loud smacking noise, though little force is transferred from the object to the person being struck. Actors may thus hit one another repeatedly with great audible effect while causing very little actual physical damage. Along with the inflatable bladder (of which the whoopee cushion is a modern variant), it was among the earliest forms of special effects that could be carried on one's person.
- Slapstick (traducido del inglés: «bufonada») es un tipo de comedia que implica exageración de la violencia física (por ejemplo, un personaje golpeado en la cara con una sartén o que se estampa a toda velocidad contra una pared). Este estilo es muy común en los tipos de entretenimiento en los cuales se da por hecho que el público entiende (y cabe decir que espera) la naturaleza hiperbólica de tal violencia en la que se exceden los límites del sentido común, permitiendo así una risa no cruel. Sus mayores representaciones se encuentran actualmente en los dibujos animados “cartoons” y en las películas cómicas de argumentos simples, normalmente dirigidas a un público joven. Aunque a veces se utiliza el término peyorativamente, la interpretación de la comedia slapstick, basada en una medición de
- Slapstick is essentially physical Comedic Sociopathy--people who aren't you getting hurt in obscene ways (e.g. falling into open sewers and dying); that's comedy. The defining feature of slapstick is its highly exaggerated nature, combined with a lack of serious physical consequences. The Pratfall is a staple of slapstick humor. While slapstick is present to some degree in many comedic works; examples should be works that depend entirely or predominantly on this form of exaggerated physical comedy for their humour. Examples: